Things Fall Apart (Paragraph Paper)

Submitted By Annabelle-Schmitt
Words: 431
Pages: 2

Things Fall Apart Essay Contrary to the beliefs of some characters in Things Fall Apart such as the District Commissioner, the Ibo were in fact a society, not lacking even a single aspect of one. A civilization is defined as people who have shared values, ways to transmit their beliefs to their children, and shared social traditions and roles. The Ibo shared several values, among which was the importance of masculinity in their men; they frowned upon effeminate men. Okonkwo embodied this value well and tried to spread it to Ikemefuna and Nwoye, “[encouraging] the boys to sit with him in his obi1 and [telling] them ... masculine stories of violence and bloodshed” (Achebe, 53). As shown, the Ibo told each other stories. This served as a way to transmit their beliefs to their children. Once such story is told by Uchendu “to illustrate his point: ‘Mother Kite once sent her daughter to bring food. She went, and brought back a duckling. “You have done very well,” said Mother Kite to her daughter, “but tell me, what did the mother of this duckling say when you swooped and carried its child away?” “It said nothing,” replied the young kite. “It just walked away.” “You must return the duckling,” said Mother Kite. “There is something ominous behind the silence.” And so Daughter Kite returned the duckling and took a chick instead. “What did the mother of this chick do?” asked the old kite. “It cried and raved and cursed me,” said the young kite. “Then we can eat the chick,” said her mother. “There is nothing to fear from someone who shouts.”” (140).
Uchendu tells this story to his family to explain the importance of fearing those who say nothing. Besides