Effect of mechanical antidote on toxicity of seed extract of Thevetia peruviana in Albino rat-Forensic Consideration Lav Kesharwani and A.K.Gupta Abstract: The present study has been carried out with an objective to find out the mechanical antidote for Thevetia peruviana seed poison which was commonly used as suicidal poison. Albino rat was used as animal model and following biochemical parameters such as AST, ALT, Bilirubin, Cretanine, Urea and protein have been examined from blood. After examination it was found that antidote number 4 was showing more better result in comparison to antidote number 3 . Finally it was concluded that antidote number 4 can be effectively used for Thevetia peruviana The presence of theveridoside, digitoxigenin , cerberin ,peruvoside and theveside has been established in the plant by different workers.The toxicity of the glycoside is reflected in the accidental poisonings that occur among children that feed on the seed of the plants . Some adults have reportedly died after consuming oleander leaves in herbal teas (Shumaik,1988), about ten fruits may be fatal to an adult while kernel of one fruit may be fatal to children. Generally, small children and livestock are at higher risk. Sign and symptom of poisoning include diarrhoea, headache, vomiting , dizziness , dryness of the throat ,burning pain in the mouth , tingling and numbness of the tongue, dilated pupils, loss of muscular power. The pulse first becomes weak which later rapid and irregular. Death occurs from peripheral circulatory failure. Titanic convulsions are sometimes observed, when 8 to 10 seeds which, proves fatal to an adult, causing death within 24 The experimental group 4th showed lowered values of ALT and AST more closer to the values of control group when antidote 4th was given along with the seed extract. Slightly higher values of ALT and AST was also observed in the experimental group 3rd which was given seed extract and antidote 3rd as compared to values of experimental group 4th . The bilirubin are not effected much in case of experimental group 2nd when given with single dose of seed extract 200mg/kg body weight. The values of all other experimental groups remained closer to the values of control group. Administration of 200 mg/kg ethanolic extract of the seed of Thevetia peruviana to the rats resulted in significant increase in the creatinine levels in case of experimental group 2nd as compared with control group (36.81±0.70). The creatinine level showed similar values in case of experimental group 4th (38.66 ±0.59) when compared to creatinine level of experimental group 3rd .This was slightly higher then the experimental group 4th and showing better result with antidote 4th . The other biochemical indices