In the world today there is a great deal of difficulties and controversy. In the world the place with the most controversy that exists is undoubtedly the Middle East. One country in particular is the Jewish state of Israel.
The country of Israel has had to deal with controversy for over 60 years since the country was made. This problem has led to decisions by people and the government that are controversial actions. Since this country is surrounded be threat they have their entire citizens join the army at the age of 18, the person refuses they can be sentenced to jail. Also, due to the wars that happened in the past Israel has gained land from other countries such as the Sinai Peninsula, West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights. Some lands had to be given back in order to achieve peace, though many people thought that it was a bad idea because the counties that had it originally could continue attacks from that place. This is what happened when the Gaza Strip was given to a government who supports a terrorist group, who bomb the towns on the border. But the government cannot bomb them back because the terrorist hold up at places were innocent people live, such as schools, so the government must risk the lives of soldiers to go and stop the insertions. Then the soldiers have to decide whether to shoot a person in front of a child who could be their father.
On the other hand the Arabian countries do not see a problem with bombing innocent people and starting wars just so they can take down the