Theme Of Power In Romeo And Juliet

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Pages: 7

Power and Control
Poems and plays often have to deal with the theme of power and control. In Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” Capulet wields the authority. Shakespeare portrays Capulet as a patriarchal ruler who is not afraid to show his controlling side. His aggression is key aspect in the play and becomes a catalyst for the outcome of our “star crossed lovers”. I will also examine the exertion of power in the poems “My Last Duchess”, “Hawk Roosting” and “Human Interest”. Firstly, I will begin with examining the theme of force in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”.
The first key scene to consider is act one scene on in which a battle between the Capulets and Montagues occurs. In this scene Capulet himself is not afraid to get involved

This in turn suggests that Capulet has exerts enough force that he can sell his own daughter’s love for money. In modern society this appears as cruel and heartless.
Above all act three scene five shows Capulet animosity toward Juliet. In this scene Juliet gives a negative response toward Capulet after she is informed of the planned wedding. After she has responded Capulet ignores her; he talks as if she is not there. “How will she none? Doth she not give us thanks? Is she not proud?” The repetition of the word “she” indicates that Capulet does not want to acknowledge Juliet, or make a personal connection with her. He chooses to act as if she is not in the room; he excludes her from the scene. This scene reveals to the audience that Capulet maintains the belief that he has enough power to command everyone around.
Furthermore, Capulet insults Juliet; thinking he has the right to do I .The insult “mistress minion you” includes alliteration of the harsh “m” sound” which appears blunt to the audience. The word “mistress” indicates that Capulet saw that Juliet was a spoilt child who did not appreciate what he had done for her. The word “minion” tells the audience that Capulet thinks that Juliet is a slave and should be treated like one.
I addition Capulet also uses the insult “Out, you baggage!” which shows the audience that Capulet sees Juliet as someone he can insult with no consequences. Capulet berates Juliet by using the word