Theme Of Blindness And Macbeth

Submitted By LiamLudlow
Words: 621
Pages: 3

Blindness and MacBeth
In these two stories, there are few specific themes throughout both of them that relate to each other. One of the main themes that relate in these stories in the theme of human nature.
Human nature is portrayed in the book blindness with some points of optimism. Human nature is being presented as being no different, fundamentally- self- serving and ultimately geared towards basic survival.
The main point of divergence is the fact that humans can think more of complicated structures of exploitation. Basic things such as hygiene and care for our family are made obsolete. Then it becomes a matter of knowing that no one can see you transgress these societal norms and cannot reprimand you. The same thing happens with care for other people.
At first its the ability to find them, then come to realize that they might be a problem with your personal survival.
Take, for example, the scheme that the ward of hoodlums comes up with where they have the right to rape the women of the other wards in trade for food. While sexual interactions of animals are certainly different than ours, we would be hard pressed to find animal groups that functioned with this degree of calculated exploitation. However, this situation cannot be solved by communication, but only by the murder of the leader of that group but the complete extermination of the rest of the ward.
All of this pessimism though is counter balanced by the shows of solidarity of the group. This can be seen mainly through actions of the doctor's wife and the girl with the dark glasses. The girl with the glasses volunteers to give up her own ration of food to the little boy.

William Shakespeareʼs Macbeth explores human nature, in particular the ambition of his main character Macbeth. Macbeth makes ill-fated decisions upon ambitions to become King and retain the position.
Throughout the play, Macbethʼs ambition clouds his judgment, which leads to eventual death. Although his fate is unobtainable, Macbeth uses his ambition to fuel his evil intentions.Stay, you imperfect speakers tell me more.”By Sinelʼs death I know I am Thane of Galmis,But how of Cawdor?
The Thane of Cawdor lives,A prosperous gentleman, and to be King stands not within the prospect of belief,No more than to be Cawdor. Say from whenceYou owe this strange intelligence? Or