Theimpactonnursingofthe2010IOMreportontheFutureofNursing A Essay
Submitted By decynthia82
Words: 989
Pages: 4
The impact on nursing of the 2010 IOM report on the Future of Nursing
The Institute of Medicine defines healthcare quality as the extent to which health services provided to individuals and patient populations improve desired health outcomes. Patient’s care should be rooted in a more efficient clinical evidence, with shared decision, making good communication, and given in a technically and culturally competent manner
As the years go by, nursing has become a part and parcel of health delivery system, that that a future adequate numbers of nurses is heading for disaster. Nursing has changed over the years and moved from being disregarded in the society to a well-respected profession. Healthcare is advancing at a rapid rate and there is a need to change nursing practice. With deceleration in the degree of excellence in nursing practice, has been the concern of the policy makers as well as medical experts. To ensure high quality of care for pts., the IOM conducted an in-depth study to identify and correct the root causes of the problem and came out with recommendations on how to bring about improvement in health care delivery system. According to the research, many barriers were noted to prevent nurses from reacting efficiently. To better equipped nurses to lead the change, a transformation in nursing which focuses on practice, education and leadership were needed to eliminate these barriers. THE IMPACT OF IOM ON NURSING EDUCATION.
Nurses have been known to have different educational entry level as an RN, the hospital based diploma, associate degree (ADN) and the baccalaureate degree (BSN), but now the IOM believes that it high time nurses achieved higher learning in order to meet up with the evolving health care. Thus the message: Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression. The report also focuses on the five core competencies which are patient centered care, quality care and informatics, evidence based practice, working with multidisciplinary team. Computer skills are needed to keep up with technological growth and development in medical field. As a result of this, most hospitals now prefers BSN prepared nurse to AND prepared nurse, as BSN gives a nurse the basic knowledge, providing new models of care and standards for the conceptualized roles for nurses and as envisioned
The impact of the IOM report on nursing practice
Every patient deserves the best care they can get according to the severity of their ailment and not what is most convenient for nurses to offer. In order to give patients the best care, the IOM focus on transforming the health care system requires a fundamental reconsideration of nurses roles. And this brings us to the first key message that “Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training”. This addresses the need to transform practice. The nurses are expected to play a vital role in the process of transformation, because nurses stay with the patient 24/7, as they are the first to assess the patient’s problem and as such they stand in as their advocate. Nurse have a vital role in this health care transformation to create a high quality, more accessible and efficient care and maximizing the value for patients. The Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) will place many demands on health professionals and offer them many opportunities to create a system that is more patient centered. The legislation has begun the long process of shifting the focus of the U.S. health care system away from acute and specialty care. The need for this shift in focus has become particularly urgent with respect to chronic conditions; primary care, including care coordination and transitional care; prevention and wellness; and the prevention of adverse events, such as hospital-acquired infections
Changing My Practice to Meet the Goals of the IOM Report I would change my practice to meet the goals