1. The western rock lobster industry has been subject to a variety of controls by the western Australian government. Outline the nature of these controls:
To help keep the fishing resources sustainable, the department of fishing had developed a set of rules for the recreational fishers. By following the rules, we will help maintain a good fishing opportunities in WA, making sure there are W.R.L for the future, for us and the new comers.
Licences cost, W.R.L cost $40 and boat cost $30
These are the day they are open on outside these days, permitted to fish any species.
Between North West Cape (21°44’S latitude) and Black Point (115°30’E longitude)
Season open 15 October – 30 June
South Coast (east of 115°30’E longitude)
Season open 15 November – 30 June
Abrolhos Islands
Season open 15 March – 30 June
North of North West Cape (21°44’S latitude)
All species of lobster may be taken all year.
Lobsters are totally protected at some stages in their lifecycle. When lobsters are protected, you may not take them, have them in your possession, buy, sell or consign them, or bring them into the State or into WA waters. They must be returned to the water from which they were taken within five minutes of capture or before the next pot is pulled.
The minimum size for the W.R.L is 76 mm for all seasons and the maximum size is 105mm for females and the maximum size for males is 110mm, in WA.
-Daily bag limit:
8 per fisher per day
-Boat passenger limit:
If there is one person in the boat the maximum is one -daily bag limit 8, and if there are two people in the boat the maximum is two daily bag limits, so really it depends on how much passengers on the boat for the maximum of the bags limits. The maximum amount of people are supposed to be in the bought is six. -Possession limit per person:
That means the maximum number of rock lobster you may have in your possession. Even if they were not all taken from the sea in one day, a possession limit of 24 per person applies. It stops people to take too much rock lobsters.
f) Diving:
Divers may only catch lobsters by hand, or blunt crook. Devices like nets or similar that can damage rock lobsters are illegal. Diving is permitted in some places like the Abrolhos Islands.
Pot limits:
The licence holder can’t have more than two rock lobster pots. Pots must be pulled by the licence holder. Pulling someone else’s pot is illegal. 6 pots can be pulled when there are 3 or more licensed people on board. No more than 6 pots may be carried on a boat at any time.
Tail clipping:
If a lobster is kept, we must clip the central flap on its tail fan, taking off at least the bottom half of it, with in 5 mins taking the lobster from the water. This is done to show it is a recreationally caught lobster, which can’t be sold.
Illegal baits:
You are only allowed to fish lobsters using the gelatine or tallow from the bovine material, any skin or hide, anything which any mammal skin or hide is attacked, or any lobster material.
Pot specifications:
There are various types of pots: batten, beehive and other pots like moulded plastic pots, can be used and are available from tackle shops. Pots need to be checked before they are used, check that they conform to standards set out in the fish resources management regulation 1995.
Between North West Cape and Cape Leeuwin, pots must have at least three escape gaps.
Three escape gaps, one on each side or four escaping gaps two on each side.
g) The rock lobster fishing is restricted in the marine conservation areas like how it’s shown in the map.
Marine Parks and Marine Management Areas All marine parks have ‘no take’ sanctuary zones that are closed to all fishing. Some may have