Pros And Cons Of Poverty In America

Submitted By bessiemea
Words: 365
Pages: 2

The United States is the most economically stratified society in the western world, but women still get paid less than men. Us history is excesses of the super-rich and squalor of the poor and for every man that earns one dollar a woman earns seventy cents, even the president has sign legislature to correct this problem. The wealthiest American and middle-and working-class American has more than triple in the past three decades, while the income going to the middle-one-fifth of American shrank to the lowest level ever. Newsweek reported that 5oo largest non-financial companies are setting on $1.8 Trillion in un-invested cash. Enconomists, perpective is that income has risen for all according to their tax breaks for the wealthy and very rich people is relatively small numbers of rich people. “Trickle down “effect for the middle class and poor. Because high inequality, through societies on multiple level causing, more crime, less happiness, poor mental and physical health. “What kind of society do we want to live in? We have to live a good and noble life as the sons and daughters of a King. I am not pleased when political or religious leaders grossly misrepresent God either by what they teach or how they mistreat people. The richest nation on earth is not the healthiest. There is no Y generation it’s a give me everything I want right now just because I want it these young adults don’t have a clue, and can’t buy a vowel or even know what is a vowel ? X generation