the story of most dangerous game Essay

Submitted By tdudney829
Words: 349
Pages: 2

Rainsford stretched every joint in his beaten down body and rose from Zaroft’s splendid bed
I’m glad that horrible nightmare is over. Knowing now what it feels like to be hunted, I wish never to hunt another living being ever again, Rainsford proclaimed.
Then, Rainsford kneeled down at the bedside.
Dear Lord, thank you for keeping me alive. Please help me to find a safe way home Amen. Rainsford prayed.
Then Rainsford got up and dressed. Without let up he left the chateau in search for a way back home.
Rainsford ran right to the shore. Far off into the fog he saw a figure in the ocean. As he got a better look he noticed it was a boat.
Help! Help! Rainsford shouted at the top of his lungs.
It was no use. Whoever was on the boat would never hear him, he thought.
Then suddenly Rainsford had an idea. He would send smoke signals up into the sky so people on the boat would see him and come to his rescue.
Rainsford gathered everything he needed to make smoke signals, put it together and started sending smoke into the air. Suddenly the boat started to turn around!
Over here! Over here! Rainsford shouted.
Rainsford started to recognize the boat as it came closer. It was Whitney and the crew. They came back for him.
The boat pulled on shore and Whitney stepped off.
“Whitney, I can’t believe it’s you!” Rainsford rejoiced.
Whitney said “When I woke up the next morning and realized you weren’t there I insisted we turn around and go look for you. We searched everywhere and