Essay on The Skinny Jeans Incident at Brigham Young University-Idaho
Submitted By perma_tan101
Words: 1710
Pages: 7
BYU-I Testing Center’s Sizeism Causes Controversy
Some interesting developments that had taken place at Brigham Young University-Idaho made headlines putting BYU-I on the map. Popular bloggers and even ABC News reported on the “Skinny Jeans” incident; of which, students were refused acceptance to BYU-I’s Testing Center for wearing “inappropriate” jeans leaving one BYU student offended and humiliated.
Among other things more important to education, with the constant change of fashion, some have taken the initiative to clarify personal perspectives and enforce new standard guidelines, to combat these “inappropriate” styles, of such actions have not only caught the attention of the media but has aroused tension between school officials and student.
Reason one: In attempt to combat the constant changes with fashion, the Testing Center of a Brigham Young University in Rexburg, Idaho, took an inappropriate approach in fighting one of these “inappropriate” trends, “skinny jeans.”
Reason two: BYU-I in attempt to set themselves apart from other Brigham Young universities, BYU-I has implemented a more conservative Dress Code.
Reason three: It is every student’s responsibility to understand what the Dress Code means, how it applies to them, and obey.
Confirmatio: Since back to the loincloth, over the ages fashion has been changing, from the moderate sense to a more extreme. With what seems the consequence of one, if not few, the standard for what is appropriate for the different occasions is defined. Skinny jeans: tight pants, worn by both woman and men, have been around for quite some time, but have really taken root in today’s fashion world. On November 8th 2011, the BYU-I Testing Center started a campaign to enforce their perspective of the BYU-I’s dress code. (Sisco) With fliers, the Testing Center began to announce their stand against “Skinny Jeans.” Testing Center Officials wrote: “If your pants are tight enough for us to see the shape of your leg, your pants are too tight. The “Skinny Jeans” style is NOT appropriate attire.” (Hunter) (Sisco) According to The Student Review, a independent newspaper run by students, Rachel Vermilion, a senior studying psychology was turned away due to apparent violation of said standard guidelines:
“I got in line and the guy said that I couldn’t take a test because my pants were too tight,” Vermillion said. “I thought he was joking at first.”
Vermillion wasn’t given a warning, despite the Testing Center’s history of issuing warnings to students for similar violations of the CES Dress and Grooming Standards. (Sisco)
John Dexter, manager of the Testing Center, acknowledged that some staff members had been more zealous than others in enforcing the dress code. Referring to the incident, Vermillion said it was “offensive” and “humiliating.” (Brooks)
In agreement with Vermillion I can see how such an incident can be offensive and humiliating, but what seems to be most offensive was the concluding remarks on that flier. Testing Center officials went as far as to say that those who disagreed with their view were straying away from what it meant to be a true disciple of Christ.
If your clothing or attitude does not meet the commitments you have made to live the Honor Code, will you please go home and prayerfully visit with your Father in Heaven and recommit yourself to be a true disciple and abide by the Honor code that defines your commitment to be a disciple. (Hunter)
Is the mere disagreement or even different understanding of a dress standard automatically grounds for disqualification of being a disciple of Christ? If so, who is judge in deciding where the boundary for appropriateness ends and inappropriateness begins? The message surely must have gotten back to Dexter that people were being offended and humiliated from the flier and enforcement because, a newly revised flier was posted shortly after, saying:
If you don’t understand the Dress