What Is The Law Of Attraction

Submitted By ashleyw526892008
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Pages: 5

The Secret

“Ask, Believe, Receive”

Ashley Winn
BUS 1100 Ms. Payne
September 10, 2012

Every generation has to rediscover essential truths for themselves. It takes a lot of great marketing to get a message through to today's generation accustomed to getting information in sound bites and unable to remain focused on anything long enough to really understand it. 'The Secret' has piqued our attention, and kept it by promising that all the baubles that we lust after are ours for the taking. Whether or not you believe in the Law of Attraction, you are always using it. You are using it now in this moment. We are always drawing to us that which we are predominantly thinking. Some people say that it’s no secret, that there is nothing new. ‘The Secret’ is a life-changing experience of a movie that makes you think about the “Law of Attraction” and how it plays into our daily lives; it suggests that you attract everything in your life, depending on what you focus on. The Secret is about the intention-manifestation model and how to use the law of attraction to create whatever you want. As the movie aptly points out, most people focus their thoughts either on what they don’t want or on reinforcing what they’re already getting. But the way to succeed with intention-manifestation is to keep your thoughts focused on what you desire, even if it seems to have no presence in your life yet. The law of attraction states the theory that anything and everything you want to attract in life, love or experience, you’ll attract in theory, according to this movie that is actually based on a book. “The Secret” implies that we control everything, including poverty and other things that I cannot comprehend as anything as a natural balance. Who is to say we create starvation, cancer, pneumonia, unwanted pregnancy, disease, age, class, education or background. It theoretically suggests that everything we do is a product of our mind; that you have the power to attract anything at any given time.
The Law of Attraction, and how we can use that Law to "attract" into our lives anything we want. Some of the time during the movie, it makes it clear that what we really attract to our lives is the people, circumstances, and opportunities that leads us to what we want. In other words, when we utilize the principles mentioned in The Secret, doors open. But we have to recognize those doors for what they are and go through them. And that involves action. Many people who watch “The Secret” walk away with the impression that visualization and positive feelings is all it takes. It isn't. You still have to do something. As long as you keep that in mind, “The Secret” contains information that can be life altering. The movie features writers, doctors, scholars, mathematicians and other people who speak of their opinion On the Power of Manifestation and the Law of Attraction. Though not completely as diverse as they could be, in my thoughts and opinions, those who talk about “The Secret” have valid opinions and good life advice. You have the ability to attract anything, literally anything, the movie states, but regardless, if you think about it, you will achieve it, however long it takes; you can limitlessly become anything or achieve anything you think of or dream of or hope for. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”- Eleanor Roosevelt Your mind has over 60-70,000 thoughts per day, according to the movie. Depending on what you gear your feelings, your attention, and your thoughts towards, that is what you manifest. Your body is a physical representation of your mentality/psychology and is a metaphor for your existence. It is “where you’re head is at” or not at. Your consciousness and your ability to attract the positive in life depend on your feelings, or so the movie states anyways, and if you’re focusing on what you want to attract. Whatever you focus your energy on, you’re