1. Get the Facts. Watch your ladder of inference: a) something happens; b) we observe and then pick & choose among these events of what to evaluate or draw a conclusion about, or make a judgment, or tell a story about; c) the story we tell ourselves drives an emotion; which in turn leads us to d) choose an action to take. Can you separate fact from story? Emotions? Facts are observables that can be corroborated by multiple observers. Stories are conclusions, judgments or an evaluation of facts. Emotions are the products of the stories we tell. When you gather facts, focus on the facts not the conclusions, opinions or stories, please. Remember, even if people agree on the Why? Do you subscribe to this approach? That is, would you do it because it defines you (and not the person who you think wants you to do this) Most importantly, identify and name the virtues that are most important to you to practice in this situation. Which of the contemplated actions or behaviors(the “fix” in this 8-step reasoning model) best align with these virtues? Do any of the contemplated actions (the fix) to resolve your dilemma align with these virtues? If not, then you are not living your virtues! Recall, virtue ethics reasoning only indirectly answers this question; in this situation, what is the best thing for me to do? Instead, it asks this question, in this situation, am I living the virtues I want be known for? That is, are you living your live well? When actions are aligned with self chosen virtues, then you are leading yourself; walking your talk, so to speak.
7. Think Creatively About Solutions.
What result do you really want to create? That is, in your heart of hearts, what is it that you really wish to accomplish? Are the actions you are contemplating to resolve your dilemma (the fix) capable of creating the result(s) you desire? Have you considered all stakeholder interests and not just their positions? Can you find an action that satisfies both your and others’ interests (that is, mutual interests)? Can you buy some time to think through this dilemma, given its complexity? Have you looked up? Looked