The Renaissance Era Essays

Submitted By brucels01
Words: 1122
Pages: 5

The Renaissance Era For decades European economy was at a stand still and culture declined drastically. This sudden death of society and livelihood took place during the Middle Ages (500-1300), starting with the Dark Ages and ended with the Renaissance Era. The Renaissance Era was a rebirth of classical Greek and Roman culture which began in Italy and traveled to Northern Europe. This period in time also marked the revival of cultural achievements in all forms of art. The goals of the Renaissance Era were to find man and promote learning through education. The Renaissance Era was one of the most important if not the most important era’s during western civilization. The Renaissance Era was also known for its rebirth of humanism. The pursuit of individualism was important back then because people who were in pursuit of the finer things in life produced economy. People back then thrived on the recognition that humans were creative and they appreciated art as a product of man. Humanism also promoted basic culture needed for all so that life could be enjoyable. Artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti and Raphael were some of the greatest painters, sculptors and refiners that expanded during this cultural rebirth. One of the major causes of the Renaissance Era was the fall of Constantinople. Greek scholars had to flee to Italy to continue their education. One of the most family Italian families during the Renaissance Era was the Medici family. Cosimo de Medici advanced arts and education and his son Piero de Medici continues his father’s artistic support. Lorenzo de Medici rebuilt the University of Pisa and invited scholars to Florence to teach and learn at his school. He was also a friend of the great Michelangelo and the brilliant Pico della Mirandola who wrote 900 theses to cover all of human knowledge. The nostalgia among the Italians to recapture the glory of the Roman Empire also gave them a reason to continue striving for culture. Florence became a crossroad and center for trade in Italy. During this time, artists produced works that displayed more artistic freedom and individualism. Their art forms resurfaced the ancient Greek ideals but also brought something new to the artistic scene. In the Renaissance, early Renaissance art had realism, perspective, geometrical arrangement of figures and much more which they drew from Greek culture. All these techniques made it possible for artists back then to live off of commission. Stuart Isacoff once stated "'Those [artists] who are enamored of practice without science,' Leonardo explained, 'are like sailors who board a ship without rudder and compass, never having any certainty as to whither they go.'" Leonardo da Vinci used science to support his art and most of his drawings were used to make military weapons, aeronautic machines and an excessive amount of things that people still use to this day. Michelangelo was an architect who constructed St. Peter in Rome and an engineer who created one of the most known religious paintings; the Sistine Chapel. Both artists were known as Renaissance Men which included having a deep knowledge of skill in one area but broad knowledge about many things in different fields. This strengthened the ability to link areas like science and arts to create new knowledge. One cause of the Renaissance Era was the declination of feudalism. During the Middle Ages the goals of man was to find God which probably is why the Dark Ages lasted so long because people back then probably put all their faith in God that he would fix the economic issues and no one tried to do for themselves. After the Crusaders brought back materials that helped stimulate Europe’s economy the status of the nobles was in chaos since there was growth of the middle class through trade. Churches were being disrespected; dissenters like Martin Luther opposed the Pope and said the pope did not speak for God. He also argued that that