The Pros And Cons Of Human Cloning

Words: 843
Pages: 4

In recent years cloning has been becoming very popular in the ethic of the medical field. Cloning is defined as creating copies of DNA fragments (Molecular cloning), cells (cell cloning), or organisms. Human cloning is a kind of organism cloning that is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a human, this type of cloning is also called reproductive cloning. Historically, the first cell cloning was done by Shoukhrat Mitalipov who led a group of researchers. This group published the first report of embryonic stem cells created using SCNT in 2013 but it was a type of therapeutic cloning. Following these developments, this issue has begun to be discussed in the field of ethics. These discussions brought with it many concerns. Inevitably everyone asked the following question: Should human cloning be banned or allowed? Most doctors and researchers support that human cloning should be banned for three reasons that are human cloning causes discrimination,
This case consists of two parts that social and legal discrimination. Even though lawyers accept human cloning doesn't cause legal discrimination, they insistently emphasize the effect of social discrimination on human cloning. However, fault cloning experiments cause eventuating of injured fetuses. Moreover, sheep Dolly (First cloned living creature) after a while cloning died. If we assume this instantaneous death rate for trial in human cloning experiments we can understand clearly if it is a crime or not for human life. Although lawyers objected, this case constitutes a crime for legislation. Hence this means that is breaking the law what the inherent right to life. Engrossingly the text which is written to support human cloning is legal, also confesses that