We started out the four week journey of creating a brochure by choosing the virtual organization, Baderman Island Resort. During the first week we created and submitted prototypes to the team forum, while Ree gave input on the prototype’s and completed the team progress report. Creating prototypes allowed the team to visualize the process of creating the brochure and how the finished brochure would look. Initially, the team experienced some confusion regarding the size of the brochure; however, between discussing the requirements listed in the syllabus and asking the instructor for clarification the team was able to determine the exact requirements for the brochure. The finished product will be bi-fold brochure measuring 10 inches wide by 7 inches tall. It will consist of a 5 inch by 7 inch front and back cover, along with a 10 inch by 7 inch two page spread on the inside. It was suggested the image from a dock overlooking the water from Baderman Island Resort’s website be considered for the front cover of the brochure. At the end of the week the team was leaning toward using the prototype that depicted an image and resort logo on the front cover, accommodations on the inside left page, amenities on the inside right page, while the back cover would include a map and contact information for the resort.
During week 3 and extending into the holiday break, Ree began the process of designing the first draft prototype for the front and back cover to the Baderman Island Resort brochure. Using the team’s thumbnail sketches for reference points, the first image to be included with the front cover was the dock overlooking the lake image. Ree’s line of thought was that this image, offered the reader an opportunity to visualize and contemplate the resort, with a relaxing atmosphere. To further give the front cover more opportunity at relaying information on activities as well as appeal on the resort, Ree decided to add images of the golf