From 1916 to 1966, Studebaker automobiles were manufactured in South Bend Indiana. Vicky Roberts became owner of Roberts’s Auto Sales and Service (RASAS) when she inherited a Studebaker dealership. RASAS is a diversified business that includes three sales and service car dealerships, two auto parts stores, a large body shop, a car painting business and an auto salvage yard. Ms. Roberts is considering expanding the business to include vintage car restoration. She has just acquired a 1963 Avanti Studebaker. She would like to restore the car to mint condition and use the car as advertising for the new business in an upcoming Studebaker meet. The meet is in 45 days. Roberts has a total…show more content… Although the basic solution satisfies both cost and time requirements for our project, after further analysis, there proved to be room for improvement. Distributing the slack of the major sub activities, which precede many other activities, would allow for more flexibility. This would accommodate any unforeseen disruptions in our project. The finalized PERT chart has been presented in Figure 2.
(Question 3)
Figures 3 and 4 (Appendix) provide Activity on node (AON) diagrams that outline the activities and estimated slack for both scenarios. Figure 3 represents our initial solution while Figure 4 represents our final solution. Our critical path is outlined in red in Figure 4. The critical path will have no slack available. The critical path is comprised of activities A, B, T, and V. Activity A represents the ordering of all materials and parts (upholstery, windshield, carburetor, and oil pump). Activity B represents the receiving of materials for upholstery covers. Activity T represents reupholstering the interior of the car. Finally, Activity V represents pulling the car into the Studebaker auto show.
(Question 4)
Figure 5 and 6 (Appendix), outline a project budget with the cost of each activity and the total budget. As can be seen from Figures 5 and 6, both our initial and improved solutions allow for all activities to be completed within the given budget. The entire project cost for