The Northern Renaissance Essay

Submitted By ashaleyyy37
Words: 354
Pages: 2

The Northern Renaissance had many things take place during this time period. It had a cultural transformation take place, this transformation was initiated by Italy and was called Renaissance. It separated the Middle Ages from the New Modern Age and is where Humanism and Reformation began. Portraiture became a hug part of the Renaissance Era and artists became intrigued in trying new and unique styles. During most of the fourteenth century, only royalty had portraits made because they required wealth. A portrait is typically defined as a representation of a specific individual. A portrait does not record someone’s features, but something about whom he or she is, offering a sense of a real person’s presence. Royal Portraiture is especially unique because it has to show the status and wealth of the ruler and appeal to many. The traditions of portraiture extend back to ancient Greece and Rome, but change every century to new styles by being tweaked slightly every so often. New artists are always testing out new ways to spice up an old style of art and were willing to try slightly new and tweaked styles of painting. Portraits of Rulers became popular to assert their majesty in places from which they were absent. Many rulers ruled more than one area of land and had a braod area of land thay they looked after and could not be everywhere at once. Most rulers would travel around their land constantly, but there was always still an absence when they were not around.