In the story “The Necklace” Mathilde the beautiful wife, is selfish and dissatisfied with her life style. She lives a better than average life with a servant at her beck and call and still complains about her surrounds and the fact that she only has one servant. “She suffered from the poverty of her dwellings, from the wretched look of the walls, from the worn-out chairs, from the ugliness of the curtains.” While a woman in her status would never describe their home with such harsh words. The harsh words Mathilde uses lets us know just how she feels about her life in general. Even down to the food that was served one night her husband describe as a good pot of stew “she thought of delicious dishes served on marvelous plates, and of the whispered gallantries which you listen to with a sphinxlike smile, while you are eating the pink flesh of as trout or the wings of a quail.” Everything Mathilde owned was never to her likeness she always wanted something better.
Mathildes’ husband on the other hand worked as a small clerk in the ministry of education, and he didn’t earn enough money to accomplish his wife’s dreams and wishes, but he loved her dearly and tried to keep her happy as much as he can. In the story you can see his love for his wife when he gives up her the invite, and she says she can’t go, because she has nothing to wear. Her husband gives up his chance to buy a gun to go shooting with his friends, so Mathilde can purchase a gown for the ball. Mathilde doesn’t even act like she cared that he gave up his enjoyment, so she could have a new gown for the ball. She shows no appreciation to her husband, not a kiss, no hug, nothing for putting her needs first. Even after Mathilde purchased the dress she wasn’t happy, she now needed jewels, because in her eyes without jewels she would look distress. Nothing her husband suggested was good enough, until he suggested she borrow some jewels from her rich friend Mme. Forestier the same friend she stop visiting because she envied her for have wealth. At her friend’s home all the jewels where just adequate and Mathilde had kept asking “haven’t you anymore?” Until she laid her eyes on the black satin box and found the diamond necklace inside.
Being at the ball was like all Mathilde’s dreams and desires where coming life, she danced all night everyone paid her the attention she had long for all her life. Her husband was tired and had to be to work the next day, but that didn’t stop her from enjoying every minute of the ball they didn’t leave till 4am the next day. After returning from the ball Mathilde notice the necklace was missing she screamed in disbelief, her husband came racing now half dress and asked “What’s the matter?” What’s the matter?” She told him the necklace was missing; he got dress even though he had to work
Short Story Analysis “The Necklace” There are many themes intertwined in the telling of the short story “The Necklace”, by Guy de Maupassant. Two that must be considered particularly revealing are ones of envy and deceit. The main character, Mathilde Loisel, is extremely envious of other women who are wealthy. She believes that she deserves to live with worldly possessions and to be highly respected by others. She feels like she doesn’t belong with her husband, a poor clerk, who was chosen…
The Necklace: A story beyond a moral lesson The author, Maupassant, in his story “The Necklace” conveys a simple moral; one mistake can have years long detriments. Mathilde’s night of pleasure at the party and for carelessly losing the borrowed necklace led to ten years of misery which latter found to be unnecessary and could have been avoided if only Mathilde had been honest with Madame Forestier from whom she borrowed this imitation. It gives a special lesson to people who try to impress by…
The story of “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant tells a story of a woman, Madame Loisel, who got overly obsessive with material possessions, which ultimately lead to her downfall. Instead of being content and thankful for the position she was in, she thirsts for better and prettier things in an unhealthy manner. Madame Loisel wants to be in a higher socioeconomic class, and complains about the current status of her life. Through a series of events, she gets to live her fantasies for one night, but…
on a daily basis. Some choose to lead a life filled with good morals and the best chosen decisions, however there are those who choose the antagonist role, and fight against unnecessary outcomes. In The Necklace, Mathilde protects herself by forgoing a lifetime of savings to invest into a necklace she lost in an attempt to enhance her image. Maupassant uses strong literary devices such as irony and symbolism to signify an important truth that we must be content with who we are and what we have as…
Luxury or Affordability: Mme. Loisel’s inner conflict in Maupassant’s The Necklace In Maupassant’s “The Necklace” Mme. Loisel lives a comfortable and affordable middle-class lifestyle, but one that she criticizes and hopes to abandon; she dreams only to live within the silk walls that only a more lavish lifestyle could bring, a lifestyle she knows could never be hers. Mme. Loisel believes that she is made for a luxurious lifestyle and therefore longs the life of an upper-class woman. Mme. Loisel’s…
James Underwood 9/12/13 English 101-070 Mr. -------- In the short story, “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant, we meet Mathilde, a pretty and charming women who felt she was married into a class below her. While living a comfortable life, she craves more than what she has. She spends most of her time thinking about a lavish and luxurious lifestyle, to the point that it’s everything she wants in life, but nothing she has. The major theme in the story is how deceptive things can seem. When…
she discovered, in a black satin case, a superb diamond necklace; her heart began to beat covetously. Her hands trembled as she lifted it. She fastened it round her neck, upon her high dress, and remained in ecstasy at sight of herself. Then, with hesitation, she asked in anguish: ‘Could you lend me this, just this alone?’ ‘Yes, of course.’” In this quote, Madame Loisel is talking to Madame Forestier about a diamond necklace that she would like to borrow to attend a distinguished…
Bickford English 1102 6 February 2006 Analysis of "The Necklace" Many women dream of living a rich life, full of luxury, riches and servants. In the short story "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant, a middle-class woman named Madame Loisel desires that life style very much. In "The Necklace" Madame Loisel's vain desires cause many conflicts and her ultimate downfall. One small conflict in the story is Madame Loisel vs. her husband. He is always trying to make his wife satisfied and she never…
An Exploration of the Theme of Deception in Guy de Maupassant’s The Necklace Steven Major November 15, 2013 Instructor Patrice Glenn ENG 125 Introduction to Literature The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant tells the harrowing tale of Mathilde Loisel and her desire to move up within the ranks of French society. Though provided with her needs, Mathilde also wants the desires of her heart that her husband and his current status in life cannot provide to her. Consistently unsatisfied with her station…
"The Necklace" Summary and Response This story centers around a woman who wants a life filled with glitz and glamour. She feels as if that lifestyle was meant for her, she just was born into the wrong family; a family of clerks. She ends up marrying a clerk, but still in her adulthood still yearns for the better things in life and thinks she is more than deserving of them. Her huband brings home an invitation to a very exclusive, high class ball. To his dismay, his wife is actually sad to hear…