The most successful educational experience I had prior to attending RMU was in High School because the teachers, counselors, and the entire staff seen the needs I was lacking from my very unsuccessful learning experience in Grammar School. I was blessed to have attended a High School where the educational growth of students was so very important to all the staff. I was a lost young man on so many different levels coming into probably the most important 4 years of my young adult life, and without the guidance and care I received from my counselors, and dedicated teachers in High School I would not be here today, and I feel my life, and who I have grown to become as an adult would have looked so very different. Thank you St. Rita's staff for your hard work, and dedication to all the young men before me, during the best 4 years of my life, and after I graduated, because you made school a wonderful place to attend, and helped me so much that I will be indebted to you for life.
The most unsuccessful time in my educational experience started in 5th grade, and the reason it started in 5th grade is because that is the year I became an Altar boy, and my 5th grade teacher was also the Nun who was in charge of the church's scheduling, and day to day operations. I became her favorite go to Altar Boy to serve Mass, Funeral's, and Weddings. Unfortunately a majority of these Mass' were during school hours so I think you are getting a clear picture what my 5th grade education