the monkey Essay

Submitted By jessicaa99
Words: 512
Pages: 3


Conclusion: The main purpose to

Keep food away from pesticides.

Point spray containers away from people. 

Clean table top before eating.

kitchen safety is there are many things that can go wrong in a kitchen that can cause injuries or death. above is a list of the main things you should know when cooking in a kitchen.
Safety is the first thing to worry about when in the kitchen. Like people always say, the kitchen is the most dangerous room in the house. You need to know the safety of the stove, oven, microwave, small appliances, utensils, and other procedures to ensure the safety of yourself and others. Listing things like above is a great way to remember exactly what the safety guidelines are. Always have something like this in your kitchen you are unsure of a certain rule or guidelines.
Have a safe one!

Make sure your food is completely cooked. 

Always eat sitting up right.

Be sure to chew your food completely before swallowing.

Use separate cutting boards for vegetables and raw meats.

Don’t put cooked food on plates or dishware that had raw meats on it before. 

It is better to have your food over cooked then undercooked.

Always wash used utensils before using them for something else.

Food Choices
Safety and G u i d el i n e s

Jessica Hardy

Introduction: Kitchen safety is very important because there are many things that can go wrong in a kitchen that can cause injuries or death. Below is a list of the main things you should know when cooking in a kitchen. Safety is the first thing to worry about when in the kitchen. Like people always say, the kitchen is the most dangerous room in the house. 

Put food into boiling water gently so the hot water doesn’t splash.

Lift lids from hot pots with the opening away from you. Water:
 Never walk on a wet floor.
 Keep electric cords away from water.
 Never touch electric cords with wet hands.
 Clean up spill immediately.


Small Appliances:

Don’t put your