The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory For Adolescent Essay

Submitted By laurenbaker69
Words: 536
Pages: 3

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory for Adolescent Lauren Baker

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory for Adolescent


Children tend to go through many different things in their lives and it often times it triggers their behavior. In order to see about what triggers their behavior the researcher must administer a personality test. The personality test is to determine the child’s emotion, thoughts, attitudes and behavioral traits aligned with their personality. This test will help the researcher understand and evaluate the child’s strength and weaknesses and identify any interruptions in the child’s personality. The original Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) was developed in the 1940s to assess mental health problems in psychiatric and medical settings, and it rapidly became a standard personality instrument (Butcher, 2010). The test that focuses on adolescents is the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory- Adolescent (MMPI-A). The MMPI-A is used to screen children and it is the most widely used and researched adolescent self-report measure of personality and psychopathology (Handel, 2011). A version of the test designed for adolescents, the MMPI-A, was released in 1992. It has 478 items with a short form of 350 items. The MMPI-A is a standardized written test used to screen for personality and psychosocial disorders in adolescents.
The purpose of this test is used to screen for personality and psychosocial disorders in adolescents 14 to 18 years of age in several regions of the United States. The normative sample consists of 1,620 adolescents (805 boys and 815 girls). American minorities are included in the normative samples and no separate cultural norms are available. This test also consists of a balanced sample for region, rural-urban residence and ethnicity. The test is 60 minutes and can be taken on the computer, a cd, or paper-pencil. It is also administered as a part of neuropsychological test battery to evaluate cognitive functioning.
When a test is administered in terms of fairness one must think about the well-being of the test taker. The importance of fairness as a fundamental issue in protecting test takers and test users in all aspects of testing