Hesitantly, on a dull and drab night the drained and distressed traveller rode his trusty steed through my imperious gate like a minnow entering my arena. An obnoxious attitude was something he hadn’t obtained. I bellowed down for him to prostrate, however he didn’t. Evaluate your options I pleaded with him, before I act… at your expense!
In front of him lay: a man’s worst nightmare; an ample amount of dead grass screaming for attention; and an abundance of deceased daffodils commemorating the lost souls taken by the phantoms. I pondered if this was a wise choice by the ludicrous traveller entering my grounds. But my cotton candy words did not appeal to his taste.
As he ambled down my dusty path my attention turned to his only accomplice, the horse, unfortunately a disheveled creature almost unkempt in appearance yet able to carry such a shoddy man. The horse was leant down chomping away at my fresh grass, such an exquisite sight for an admirable specimen. All there was for him to hear was the alluring sound of near silence, by virtue of the calming wind whistling nonchalantly past his gaunt face. An aroma of agitation and turbulence meandered through the air and up his nose. Agitation distributed from the encroaching traveller and a threat of turbulence from myself. A storm was brewing and not just in the night sky.
‘Knock-knock’ how dare you. The futile traveller makes his biggest mistake so far. My moonlit door shakes and sends a shiver up my spine. Suddenly I feel so hungry I could eat a horse. From the outside I’m towering and wide, made from hefty dark grey stones that are sandwiched together by crumbling cement. Held up by colossal pillars bigger than my dominance over the land, that scream with the pain of holding me up. My windows sometimes rattle, vigorously from the howling wind, as though they are about to fall out of their frames, which are made from rotting, decaying wood that’s being eaten away by woodworm. A few potted plants lay next to my door, once there for neat presentation now wilted brown and dead and present for other purposes. My cryptic door has been left slightly ajar, perhaps for many years, or maybe someone is already here…
‘K-kaw, k-kaw’ a bird flew up out of one of my significant turrets sending a piercing screech out into the desolate night abyss, as the wind howled it’s mighty objection to his appearance. Startled, the skittish traveller bellowed up to me, “Is there anybody there?” but no one descended. The traveller stepped back and gazed up at my extensive and awe-inspiring structure.
1. Event Listener An Event Listener, once set to an applet object waits for some action to be performed on it, be it mouse click, mouse hover, pressing of keys, click of button, etc. The class you are using (e.g. JButton, etc.) reports the activity to a class set by the class using it. That method then decides on how to react because of that action, usually with a series of if statements to determine which action it was performed on. source.getSource() will return the name of the object that the…
a) I think women are better listeners Pros: • Women are better listeners because we have a natural instinct to care, listen to, and nurture those in our lives. • Women give advice from their own experiences • Listen intently • Women are compassionate • Women are supportive Cons: • They talk way too much about one thing • Have a tendency to act all-knowing • Show more emotion than what is needed • Are gossipers • Annoying at times b) Capital punishment is no deterrent to crime Pro:…
How to Keep a Listener…Listening. Being a Radio Broadcaster/Advertiser Megan Thomas What do you think it takes to be a radio dj? How about a sales representative/advertiser and a radio dj? Wearing multiple hats is definitely a big part of having a career in radio. You can’t just have one job to do all day. Needless to say though, you will never wake up in the morning dreading going to work. I would know I interned at a radio station in my hometown this summer and loved every minute…
him to keep an eye on the car. Of course he wasn’t out there when I was done but I knew he was in real need for some money, looked like he hasn’t ate for days. Now that I have talked about me being kind, let’s move on to my personality of a good listener. Everyone has something that bothers them some like to share and some don’t. And I feel that to talk it out is the best way. Mostly all my friends love to pore their problems out to me. I listen to all of them patently and try to solve their problems…
Speech Outline Attention Getter :Listener Relevance : Speech Outline Attention Getter :Listener Relevance : Thesis Statement : Body I. Main Point #1 A. Subpoint A for Main Point #1 1. Sub-subpoint 1 2. Sub-subpoint 2 B. Subpoint B for Main Point #1 1. Sub-subpoint 1 2. Sub-subpoint 2 Transition II. Main Point #2 A. Subpoint A for Main Point #2 1. Sub-subpoint 1 2. Sub-subpoint 2 B. Subpoint B for Main Point #2 1. Sub-subpoint 1 2. Sub-subpoint…
to solve complex problems quickly and stay competitive. Students need it to understand complex issues in their fields. Much can be gained by improving listening skills. Eight barriers to effective listening Most of us are terrible listeners. We're such poor listeners, in fact, that we don't know how much we're missing.…
time is highly important to listeners of both AM/FM and satellite radio. AM/FM radio is usually controlled by the popular hits in the music industry. Though the AM/FM audiences have a slight advantage to make special song requests; commercials and advertisements, interrupt majority of the radio play time. In contrast, many satellite listeners enjoy the freedom of being able to control the type of music they’re listening to at that particular time. Satellite listeners have the option of playing songs…
what the individual says, thinks or feels, they are accepted as a person by the listener. Active listening demands that the receiver of the message put aside the belief that listening is easy and that it happens naturally and realize that effective listening is hard work. Good listening encourages the speaker, promotes trust and respect, improves relationships, and makes resolution of problems more likely. Good listeners are prepared to listen, show interest, keep an open mind, listen critically, resist…
you might come across: The listener The Dad The intellectual The Listener The listener is a type of person that only cares about others and is always true. Lennie is a listener because he loves when George tells him stories. After Lennie made George mad by the pool, he asked George to tell him a story about a farm (pg.13-14). You know you’re The Listener when . . . You are caring and completely selfless You love to listen Advantages to being The Listener Your friend will always be…
Speaking is not necessarily the same thing as communicating because we can speak to a listener, but if the listener doesn’t understand our message, in the way we meant for it to be understood, we have failed to communicate it. A speaker can give information, but true and effective communication fails to take place, if listeners misinterpret the message. 6) If communication fails, who is to blame- the speaker or the listener? Answer: Depending on the situation the blame can be on the…