The basics 1. Write your own definition of a paragraph.
A paragraph is a series of sentences that relate to a single topic and which flow together logically.
2. Find the definitions for each of these grammatical terms.
Antonym two words that mean the opposite things
Synonym (not pronounces cinnamon!) two words that mean the same thing
Cohesion to bring thing together
Lexical relating to the word of a language
Conjunction The act of joining or the condition of being joined.
3. Extend your vocabulary! Write an interesting antonym and synonym for each of the following words: a) Happy- antonym: sad, synonym: glad b) Beautiful- antonym: ugly synonym: pretty c) Small- antonym: tall synonym: midget d) Scared- antonym: brave synonym: frightened e) Odd- antonym: even synonym: uneven
3. Write a list of linking words that you could use to connect paragraphs. Linking words are also called Conjunctions (if you’re still unsure, look up the definition)
a) time / progression: later, earlier, after, before, during.
b) cause and effect: because, when
c) comparison: like, similar, dislike, same, twins, how
d) addition: also, aswell and
4. In the following paragraph highlight all the words that are associated with the central theme of the text: Chile’s environmental problems. This is called a lexical chain.