The Importance Of Cleopatra In The Modern World

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No one can deny that every one has reputation, and its vary from one person to another. We all now reputation has meaning and its meaning reputation is a word that is common in every day discourse a rough measurement of how much the community trusts you and the estimation in which a person or thing is generally held. However, the reputation be by the same person , and every one made his reputation, reputable person determine his place in the community and be a person reputation through his personality and his works. Reputable it’s the goal for many people, goal for good reputation. Many people said Cleopatra a bad woman and she used seducing her weapon and another people said she is hero because she controls in the
Cleopatra’s reputation in modern world it is a beautiful woman but, many people say she is not beautiful woman, and she was could lure the men in her period. Cleopatra’s reputation, it is different from period to another period. Cleopatra was very famous in the ancient Egypt ,ancient Roma until now modern world so for that we view her picture and her name in many places. They are many films for a big actors about Cleopatra in Hollywood , and the best film about Cleopatra and that film changed Hollywood it was Feature-length documentary recounting the making of Cleopatra, which starred Liz Taylor and Richard Burton. Cleopatra reputation it is different in all movies. However, not only the films, but also the music industry such as, a huge musical play on Broadway, and Catherine zeta-Jones played the role of Cleopatra. They are many documentaries movies about Cleopatra and it is summarize and explain her autobiography and every things about her story . in these days we see Cleopatra’s conflicting reputations in modern world. However, the factors behind Cleopatra’s conflicting reputations in modern world because , there are a lot of films about Cleopatra and each director and writer representing personal opinion about it ,also for documentaries. The research has not stop until now about Cleopatra
Historians analyze the documents, which they have to work out , to determine what can be relied upon them. The documents are compared to other sources in order to prevent the occurrence of any error in the sequence of events or a difference in writing style, and they also make sure the secretariat of the writer to deal with it, be objectively , collects elements analysis and arranged to be clearly and they are types for sources such as: the primary source is the source, who wrote in the modern era and secondary source is the interpretation of this talk which, in turn the primary sources. Over the centuries the views of historians changed about Cleopatra in every era, historians see change about Cleopatra for reasons other than fixed and whenever it appears such as books or sculptures or fees for Cleopatra ,discovered something new about the new source, so, has changed views on its reputation in every era of