Introduction This paper aims to support Natalie York, the operations manager at Harnswell Sewing Machine Company (HSMC), in her intent to improve product quality in the company. In addition to analyzing production process data of half-inch cam rollers and explaining the results, this paper also gives advice on which actions Natalie should take and how she should approach the CEO and founder of her company. Phase 1 Based on the given description of the HSMC, points 1, 2 and 7 of Deming’s 14 points for management seem to be most lacking in the company. 1. Create constancy of purpose for improvement of product and service. 2. Adopt new philosophy. 7. Adopt and institute leadership. There is a huge need of organizational transformation Natalie and Jim install the thermostat and set the heating control so that heats turns on half an hour before the machine starts to work in the morning. These actions have a positive impact on improving the product quality as the scrap defects were caused by cold temperatures, affecting the normal running of the equipment. After setting the heating control, the machine will warm up to acceptable temperatures in the cold weather. By doing this, any scraps caused by the abnormal status of the equipment in cold weather will be avoided. Phase 4: Chart 3, the histogram of diameters, and Chart 4, the stem-and-leaf display, show that the range is from 0.5072 to 0.5077, which means all cam rollers meet the lower specification of 0.5072 but some exceed the upper specification 0.5075. The mean of the 150 sample diameters’ is 0.5075. The mean diameter equals the upper limit of the diameter. There are 71 cam rollers having a diameter of 0.5075, accounting for 47.3% of all samples; 49 cam rollers have diameter of 0.5076, accounting for 32.7% of all samples; 7 cam rollers have diameter of 0.5077, accounting for 4.7% of all samples. Chart 5, the pie chart of distribution of diameters, shows that there are 56 cam rollers which have a larger diameter than 0.5075, while there are only 23 cam rollers with diameters below 0.0575. 56 of the 150 rollers, comprising 37.3%, are above the specification value. Therefore 37.3% of them will be reclassified into a different and