Discuss Fitzgerald’s use of symbolism, themes and language to develop characterisation and setting in ‘The Great Gatsby’. How did your reading of ‘A Handful Of Dust’ illuminate my understanding of these features in ‘The Great Gatsby’?
‘The great Gatsby’, by Scott Fitzgerald, is set in what was known as ‘The Roaring Twenties’ ; during the decade when the American economy boomed rapidly, it became more prosperous and dominated Europe’s markets as their industries had shattered due to first World war1. In the 1920’s technology advanced due to the war and the time of mass production began, for example, telephone and cars were invented, and in the novel 'The Great Gatsby', Fitzgerald uses technology to represent the recklessness of the rich. Similarly in the novel, ‘A Handful Of Dust’ written by Evelyn
Waugh set in 1930’s Britain, Waugh demonstrates how the emergence of technology created distrust in the domestic life which caused breakdown of morals and traditional families such as the
Last. In addition, Fitzgerald stated “It was an age of miracles”2 which implies anything was possible and portrays the character Gatsby who was part of the aspirational nouveau riche, a newly emerging social class depicted as social climbers. Gatsby is named in the title of the novel ‘The Great Gatsby’.
Fitzgerald suggests that Gatsby is an outstanding individual or could be as an ironical reference, because Gatsby is surrounded by corruption.
Our first impression of Gatsby is created through the narrator's perspective when he comes across
“a figure” at his neighbour’s dock at the end of chapter one. “A figure had emerged from the shadow of my neighbour’s mansion and was standing with his hands in his pockets regarding the silver pepper of the stars...it was Mr Gatsby himself”(p25). The effect of Fitzgerald using the image of his protagonist is, the reader attempts to figure out what Fitzgerald is trying to represent and imply.
There are various interpretations some say he appears Christ-like because the way Gatsby stretches his arm
Bibliography- 1. BBC higher. (N/A). Boom and Bust. Available: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/higher/history/usa/boombust/revision/1/. Last accessed 01/01/15 2. Shmoop Editorial Team. "F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Lost Generation." Shmoop.com. Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 25 Mar. 2015 towards the green light suggest, it is giving him hope and guidance, Fitzgerald portrays the green light as an almost religious icon.
Fitzgerald use of colour symbolisms is significant in the novel because it represents the aspects of the character which he wants to show the reader. As the novel gradually progresses, we get a notion that Gatsby has combined his dream of wealth with his of dream of Daisy. Therefore, it could also be interpreted that the green light represents his desire for Daisy and what she represents. “Her voice is full of money.”(p.115) This implies his dream of being accepted by the elite is only attainable if
Daisy accepts the fact she loves him and not Tom in chapter 7 and that Gatsby may love Daisy for her status.
Fitzgerald uses settings to shows us the division among the social classes and those who are excluded from the 'American dream'. Gatsby lives in West Egg, which is inhabited by the newly emerging social class known as the nouveau riche, who represent the ‘new money’; It includes inventors, artists, successful entrepreneurs, directors, Broadway actresses and actors. Nick describes
Gatsby mansion as “a factual imitation of Hotel De Ville in Normandy” (p11). In France a Hotel De
Ville is a grand institutional public building, the reason Gatsby imitates the edifice is because he wants to showcase his wealth and status. Fitzgerald choice of diction is important because, Gatsby himself is an imitation of those who strive to be recognised. In addition, Gatsby has aspiration, which is suggested by the symbolism of his house, for