The Great Dictator by Charlie Chaplin Essay

Submitted By rebekah-hutchison
Words: 857
Pages: 4

Chaplin's film The Great Dictator released in 1940 was ahead of its time, because no one could interpret the horrors happening in Germany throughout and around WWII. Ignoring the threat and persecution of critics Chaplain’s social commentary spoke out loudly against the treatment Hitler’s dictatorship inflicted. Both characters, Hynkel (“The Great Dictator”) and the
Jewish Barber were played by Chaplin. I think the fact that Hynkel resembles Hitler is important to the film highlighting how ridiculous dictatorship is. I think that Chaplin is trying to depict how normal people such as himself were being targeted and can stand up against injustice no matter the circumstance i believe the jewish barber seemingly a reflection of
Chaplin himself. I found the film very interesting as its a topic I am interested in and was meaningful and had some applications in the world even today.though it was quite a controversial topic back then and still could be even today. I believe the film did far greater good for viewers than it did harm and I think it still has a profound effect even these days, when you think about it how many movies have come out recently that focus on such controversies. Theres only one other that comes to mind, and it could have started a world war,the film industry needs more films like this to encourage independent thought. I felt like the balance of Chaplin is in his ability in his humor not being limited to pointing a joke at everything, in fact its very intelligently done I think the seriousness of the message would have been invalid if not his excellent use of humor and dramatics In the final speech, Chaplins statements throughout have the capability to make you seriously assess peoples place in society I find it difficult to believe that he was just merely acting, the intensity in his eyes showed passion and emotion. It's clear he's putting his all into it. The issues he is addressing would be close to anyones heart , it was about heritage and the problems of his time and is still socially relevant.the holocaust is still relevant today because if we don't learn from our history we will be doomed to repeat it and we need to stay on top of theses things other wise humanity will be lost to bloodlust and mass genocide again so we have to stop it as soon as it starts.I feel like the content of this speech, pointing out the flaws of dictatorship and humans capacity for darkness. In one instance Hynkel performs almost a ballet ­ like dance with ‘the world’ which bursts when he thinks he has it in his grasp. The scene is very interesting, amongst the funniest scenes, but also again highlights the futility of dictatorship. I think Chaplin's ability to communicate emotion and thoughts through his body language, leading up to his speech, gives the message more of a meaning to the talking scenes,.when he steps out of his characters revealing what appears to be quite a personal insight. Speaking of the injustice and and the sadistic nature of the event portrayed in the film and the monstrosities of the holocaust. There is a major shift in the mood, and the viewer will witness a shift in body language as he stares deep into the lens, the intensity and the passion extend