The Governess in The Turn of the Screw Essay

Submitted By rachelle1000
Words: 356
Pages: 2

The governess lives in a society that oppresses women; this has been abundantly established, but she has been placed in a position of independence in the midst of a society where she is and has to conduct herself as an oppressed woman. This liberty that she has been afforded exists only in the context of the Bly house. Here is her play area so to speak, but neurosis does manifest itself in the midst of societal oppression and uncommon liberty; therefore, James promotes her playground as an institution of sexual deviance which is formulated parallel to her new found liberty. Here, one perceives neurosis with the manifestation of hallucinations and sexual deviance all arising from uncommon liberty to represent the endless possibilities of giving such liberties to women in the Victorian era. Within the context of these endless possibilities arise the pedophilic tendencies along with lesbianism and heterosexual desires. Yes, the governess attempts to protect the children, and she also attempts to harm them as both actions fall into the realm of endless possibilities. Even amidst her uncommon liberty the Bly house personal property, the governess still lives in an oppressive society that dictates her actions; however, society cannot dictate her desires, so perhaps her affinity for the children is rooted in her expression of the only liberty she truly has which is within her desires. When I say that her desires are in essence her liberty, I mean that the uncommon liberty that she