The Giver Essay

Submitted By dudesteve
Words: 2145
Pages: 9

Olivia Aboagye
16 February 2015
Barf- The Giver
1-50: In a world where people could not see color, feel physical pain, or have any idea what feelings actually feel like (such as love), lived a young boy named Jonas. However, Jonas was slightly different; he had pale eyes whereas everyone else had dark ones and sometimes saw things he could not explain, but other than that he was like everyone else. Instead of remembering their age, when children grew up, every year would become sixes or sevens, meaning they would receive more privileges and responsibilities until they reach twelve, like Jonas, and then they would be given an occupation which they would do for the rest of their lives until they become elderly, and Jonas was about to turn twelve, so one can image he was quite nervous
50-100: During the ceremony of twelve’s, Jonas ends up being last to accept his job, even though he should have been 19th, because he was selected to be the Receiver of Memory, the highest honor in the community. Jonas accepts the role, although he was shocked and most definitely scared. Each day Jonas goes to receive memories and learn about things that happened in the past from the giver- the actual receiver but that’s what he told Jonas to call him- he learns more and more new things and obtains amazing memories that he struggled no to share, although he knew some things he could not explain such as color, which he had started seeing a bit more frequently. But of course, even if Jonas did share his newly found information with anyone who was willing to listen, who was going to believe him?
100-150: Jonas gains more memories and experiences more pain, but it was not until he finally learned the meaning of release that he broke down. Everybody thought being released meant they were kicked out and never allowed to return to the village, when in reality, the individuals were injected with a serum that killed them, although the ‘killers’ or anybody else except for the giver and Jonas knew that they were actually killing the person. Learning that Jonas’s father was to ‘release’ a baby that had stayed with them for a couple years, Jonas and the giver come up with a plan, and Jonas takes Gabriel, the baby, and escaped the community to the elsewhere, a place where the people had their own memories and love, but there is a snow storm and Jonas does not know if he would make it, and while sliding down a hill on a sled into the village, he falls unconscious.

Olivia Aboagye
18 February 2015
Barf- Gathering Blue
1-50: A young girl named Kira, who had a twisted leg since birth, was all of a sudden alone when her mother suddenly died from a rare illness, leaving her an orphan. Kira’s father was killed by beasts while he was out hunting before she was born, and now that she was alone, nobody really liked her, but some did not like her even as a baby because of her deformed leg, except for her poor, dirty, inarticulate friend Matt and his flea ridden god Branchie, and the few ladies who worked at the loom creating blankets and clothes. A woman named Vandara who had horrible scars on her body despised Kira and wanted her shabby squalor so she and the other women could convert it into a pen for their frisky children and pets when they worked(not to mention she wanted to kill Kira because she was ‘no use’ to anyone with her leg), but Kira refused so she and Vandara went to court, where Kira’s life was spared in exchange that she worked to continue her mother’s very important project; repairing the ancient singer’s robe, so the Council of Guardians –the government of the town- told her to collect all her belongings and report back to the Guardians mansion, or edifice, which was an amazingly huge ancient building that survived catastrophes in the past.
50-100: Later, Kira returned to the place where she was given her own room, bathroom, and tenders who tended to her every need. There she made a new friend, Thomas, who