BIRKERØD INTERNATIONAL GYMNASIUM SØNDERVANGEN 56, 3460 BIRKERØD, DENMARK BIRKERØD INTERNATIONAL GYMNASIUM SØNDERVANGEN 56, 3460 BIRKERØD, DENMARK What are the physical and statistical signs of gentrification in Vesterbro in Copenhagen, Denmark?
Emil , 000632-022 Supervisor: Mette May 2013 Wordcount: 2360 What are the physical and statistical signs of gentrification in Vesterbro in Copenhagen, Denmark?
Sophus Emil Petersson, 000632-022 Supervisor: Mette Bahnson Weber May 2013 Wordcount: 2360 Geography HL Internal Assessment Geography HL Internal Assessment
Photo; courtesy of Jonathan Sandidge
Table of Contents Aim of the report: 3 Research question: 3 Geographical context 4 Introduction to Vesterbro: We also read a short paper on gentrification signs, and made sure that we had the definition for relevant terms noted and remembered. Furthermore we looked at already collected (by the Copenhagen municipality) data, and analyzed this, plotted it on graphs and so forth.
During the excursion Split up into 5 groups we took place on designated parts of Istedgade. Our teacher had been considerate enough to place on in the nice end of Istedgade, that doesn’t have very many drugs or prostitutes. My group was placed between Oenschlagergade and Dannebrogsgade, and had to survey at least 15 people that would give valid answers to our questions. Furthermore we had to note down the types of shops on Istedgade, and whether they were gentrified or not.
The surveys were then collected by our teacher, and the data was plotted on an enormous spreadsheet for us to analyze.
After the excursion I rearranged much of the data, in order to simplify my making of graphs, and also carry out Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient. All the graphs in this report are made by myself, with data from our questionnaire, unless stated otherwise. Presentation and analysis of the data:
Figure [ 2 ] - Graph of the correlation between income and size of apartment. Compiled by data noted in the questionaire.
The above graph shows that there is a weak positive correlation between the sets, but to