Fourth Dimension
In a distant dimension, there was a place where dreams were reality. If you dreamt it, it happened. Some people used it for good like dreaming of someone else’s good fortune but there were also restrictions on dreaming. They had machines that made you dream of a possible future that would have no effects on the predicted future. However if you did a good deed or earned a good dream you will be able to dream anything you want. But even then you were restricted on some aspects. The rules were as follows; you could make yourself as rich as you want, but you status will not change; you can wish to heal a disease, but cannot bring some back from the dead or wish to live forever; and the biggest rule of all you cannot dream of love at all. They had strict rules on love and the idea of love itself. Love was for children, the emotion was based off of looks or other factors, not truly the person themselves. This rule was often broken and they were banished to go beyond the outer wall of the city. No one had been outside of this wall and ever earned the right to come back.
To the people of this dimension, who were called quads, life was thriving but there were minor interruptions in this perfection. Love was becoming a major issue to control. Since the leaders chooses who marries who they pick the perfect match in IQ and looks, not personality, so the baby comes out at the perfect IQ and look for the class. The people of this dimension were divided into ranks. The ranks were categorized by the army military rank system. You could tell just by looking at someone what class they were in but just in case there was a flaw in the making of a quad people had to wear name and rank tags, dog tags, at all times. The cities were constructed by the people themselves. So obviously the people of higher wealth and intelligence would have more of a luxurious home. Although money is used to purchase things around the world, wealth doesn’t measure status. Your status is shown in intelligence, looks and most importantly the number of dreams you have earned. Each rank has a number of dreams associated to it. You can earn a dream by saving someone’s life. Doctors earn most of their dreams from this. Also saving the government from a hostile dream takeover would grant you a dream. So the families that make up the class of four star generals are almost guaranteed a spot as a general, unless the blood line is lost. Most of the people who are generals now have ancestors that were the first doctors or government officials. This makes it really hard for up-in-comers to assume a General position. Dreams are very rare and if you get one you are pretty honored for that day. The only reason they are honored is so maybe they will get helped in some way from his or hers dream.
Dreams are controlled by Dream-Bed-Modifiers. They custom make each dream for each person so that every dream is plausible and likely to happen. All dreams are linked to the same time line. But since everything is predicted the government has a solid hold on dreamers. Most of the dreamers who make radical decisions in their dreams are banished past the outer wall. Only man says that he has been past he outer wall but no one believes him. Everyone thinks that it is just a large pit of lava so once you get kicked out you’ll die before you even get a chance to do anything about it. Thomas Greenhorn is the one who says that he has been past the outer wall and survived. He says that it is a barren wasteland of ice. It is so cold that you can’t even think let alone dream of anything that could get you out. He says that he had found a large river that led him to a warmer place just warm enough for him to pass out and dream of being home again and there he was the next morning on his couch. His family was there but they didn’t seem the same. He claims that they brain washed them for they would be the only people who would believe this crazy story. But they were wrong.
A Romance of Many Dimensions By Edwin A. Abbott The first half of the novella is a description of this two-dimensional world, such as how it looks and how the figures move, with a clever analysis of Flatland’s social hierarchy, which is dictated by the number of sides someone has. Square's subsequent explorations lead him to Lineland (a one-dimensional world), Pointland (no dimensions), and then to Spaceland with its three dimensions. The novella is narrated by one…
operating in overseas and later a brief comparison with other frameworks will be given. Geert Hofstede defines how the values of a society`s member are effected by the culture and how they make link with individual behaviour by this model. Six dimensions in Hofsted`s theory are Power Distance, Individualism, Uncertainty avoidance, Masculinity, Long Term Orientation, indulgence versus self-restraint (very recently added) Sometimes this framework is known as comparative research because it permits…
————————————|———————|————————————— S=3 n=3 ————|————————————|————————————|———— S=4 n=20 —————|—|—|—|—|—|—|—|—|—|—|—|—|—|—|—|—|—|—|—|————— S=21 A line segment is a one-dimensional object, and so the rule n+1 would not necessarily apply to a object of different dimensions, such as a circle, a two-dimensional object. Number of cuts (n) | Number of separated areas within the circle (R) | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 7 | 4 | 11 | 5 | 16 | The…
When you think of the 800,000 years into the future, do you think of a utopia, or a society with worse conditions of living from the time period, which you came? Would you expect it to be less advanced, with people living like animals? This twisted question is answered in The Time Machine as the Time Traveller ventures into the future and is faced with something very different than what he had expected. He is shocked as he exits his futuristic machine and he is stuck with awe as he gazes on the future…
elaborate and well-institutionalized civil religion in America. This paper shows that the fourth of July is a very good example, but also that this religion-or perhaps better, this religious dimension has its own seriousness and integrity and requires the same care in understanding that any other religion does. When it comes to traditions in America, no day of the year is filled with more of them than the Fourth of July. The Americans have always done Independence Day up big, bigger even than Christmas…
job dimensions; skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback from job. Skill variety deals with the range and depth of expertise and ability used in performance (Fogarty & Uliss, 2015) required to complete a variety of work activities within their job (McShane, Olekalns & Travaglione (2013). Individuals are more engrossed in jobs where they can be challenged by positions requiring varied engagement of their unique skills (Fogarty & Uliss, 2015). The second dimension, task…
2014) the definition of diversity is that it exists in a group or organization when its members differ from one another along one or more important dimensions. In the textbook HR, 2e (DeNisi & Griffin, 2014), diversity should be conceptualized as a continuum and thought of in terms of degree or level of diversity along relevant dimensions. Dimensions of diversity include but are not limited to gender, age, and ethnic origin. Human Resource Management: Essential Perspectives, Sixth Edition (Dr. Robert…
John Moody What should be done to turn around the Organization? Charlotte Wilson Chancellor University Abstract This paper explores a case study in which an organization went into a recession and had to reorganize everything. I will be explaining how recession works and what happens in a recession. I will also talk about planning and organization of a business. We will also explore what people have to do when in a recession. John Moody What Should be Done to Turn Around the Organization…
distress or disability or with a significantly increased risk of suffering death, pain, disability or an important loss of freedom. The DSM admits that this definition lacks a significant operational definition that covers all situations. The fourth major issue related to classifications of mental disorders is the recent DSMs have become atheoretical. The DSM-I and DSM-II were written when the psychoanalytic theory was the major theory, thus the DSM was modeled after it. As the DSM-III began…
Calculations In Scientific Measurements: Significant Figures: To be unambiguous in our notations of physical measurements we should write all numbers in terms of powers of ten. We should always do this in final results. We also must always indicate the dimensions involved, for example we write: 1.7 mm = 1.7x10-3 m. In both cases we use 2 significant figures. The number 0.0017 m also has just two significant figures, whereas the number 0.00170 m has three significant figures. Whenever a number is given without…