1. The movement of water and electrolytes between fluid compartments is regulated primarily by Hydrostatic pressure and osmotic pressure 2. The force that causes tissue fluid to enter lymphatic capillaries is Osmotic pressure 3. Which of the following includes the greatest volume of total body water? Intracellular fluid 4. The thirst center is located in the Hypothalamus 5. Water intoxication is caused by Hypotonic extracellular fluid 6. The hormone aldosterone functions to promote the Reabsorption of sodium 7. Obstruction of the airways leads to Respiratory acidosis 8. Meiosis occurs during Both spermatogenesis and oogenesis 9. The cells in the testis that produce male sex hormones are called Interstitial cells 10. In spermatogenesis, meiosis results in the formation of Four sperm cells with 23 chromosomes each 11. The tightly coiled tube that leads to the vas deferens is the Epididymis 12. The hormone responsible for the development and maintenance of male secondary sexual characteristics is Testosterone 13. The female structure that corresponds to the male penis is the Clitoris 14. The tubular portion of the uterus that extends downward into the upper part of the vagina is the Cervix 15. The endometrium is the inner layer of the Uterus 16. A Pap smear is used to detect the presence of abnormal cells in the Cervix 17. The movement of an egg down a uterine tube is aided by ciliary action. True 18. The