Essay about The Five Major Structure of the Brain

Words: 861
Pages: 4

The Five Major Structures of the Human Brain

University of Phoenix

PSY 240

October 27, 2012

Olivia Fransis

The human brain is nothing short of incredible. In a way it’s the world’s most powerful computer because it can process tasks at lightning speeds and simultaneously be in control of our reflexes and every other voluntary and involuntary functions. It is the most important and complex organ as well as our core for learning
At the point of birth, the brain weighs an average of 350 to 400 grams and can weigh from about 1,300 to 1,400 grams as an adult. The brain is composed up of roughly 77 to 78% of water, 10 to 12% lipids, 8% proteins, 1% carbs, 2% soluble organics, and 1% inorganic salt. The brain can actually grow as

It's high development is due the fact that it’s compressed very tightly in our skulls, covering the remainder of the brain and the deep folds aid in maximizing the surface area of the cortex.
The cerebrum is composed of two hemispheres, which consist of four lobes or regions. The frontal lobes are located behind the forehead and are involved with speech, thought, emotion, learning, and movement functions. The parietal lobes process sensory information such as temperature, touch and pain. They are located behind the frontal lobes. The occipital lobes are involved with vision and are located in the back of the brain. Last but not least, there are the temporal lobes, which are involved with hearing and memory. They are located near the temples.
The next biggest portion of the brain is the cerebellum, which sits below the back end of the cerebrum. It coordinates our muscle movement and keeps our balanced controlled. It consists of both grey and white matter, and is what transmits signals and messages to the spinal cord and other parts of the brain.
As the preceding paragraphs show, the human brain is an incredible and complex organ. However it is a highly sensitive and delicate organ, and requires great protection. The surrounding skull and three tough membranes called meninges are what provide this protection. The open spaces between these membranes are filled with a fluid that keeps the brain cushioned and prevents it from being damaged by contact with the inside of