Essay on The existance of God

Submitted By prharlow
Words: 1248
Pages: 5

Throughout the world both philosophy and religion are studies heavily. Although both have completely different definitions and meanings, they provide us with and explanation and knowledge of God. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, philosophy is defined as being a “pursuit of wisdom”, “a search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means”, and “an analysis of the grounds and concepts expressing fundamental beliefs.” Philosophy is a unique type of thought or style of thinking. Philosophy accomplishes the task of explaining the unexplainable. It allows one to further understand their self, their beliefs, and the world they live in.
While philosophy is easy to understand, defining religion seems to present a harder task. Due to the fact religion is tied to so many different beliefs, cultures, and human experiences it is relatively hard to define. In a vague sense religion is a belief in a higher power for guidance in day to day activity. To me however, religion means so much more. Religion is motivation to keep going when times get rough. Religion is a purpose in life. Religion is hope over sin in the world. Religion is love.
While these two terms, “Philosophy” and “Religion” have different means they are commonly associated due to the fact they both tie into God. Through philosophy one discovers

Harlow 2 religion, through religion one discovers God. Ultimately God is the reason for existence, knowledge, and values. Philosophy helps explain the existence of God.
When evaluating the Philosophical side of the existence of God, four separate arguments were developed: the Ontological Argument, the Cosmological Argument, the Teleological Argument, and the Moral Argurment. According to St Anselm formulated the idea of God as that of “something than with nothing greater can be conceived”. He then argued that something that exists in reality must be greater than something that exists in the mind only; so God must exist outside as well as in the mind, for if he existed in the mind only and not in reality he would not be “something than which nothing greater can be conceived” this was declared as being the ontological argument. The Cosmological Argument is an argument based on cause. For there to be a universe there must be a cause there the cause of the existence is God. According to, all existence was a design, God created the design, therefor God does exist. Finally the Moral Argument is simple and practically state that morals were created by God. If morals do exist then God exist, therefor God does exist.
Along with these arguments we are provided with other physical reason why God Does exist. God has left us with his holy word, known as the Bible. Within the Bible we are provided with The Ten Commandments as a foundation on how to live our life. Also accounts of the Lord’s disciples. Still with these examples the idea of “God” cannot be proven one hundred percent without reasonable doubt, nor can it be disproven. Then how do we know that God in fact does exist…through our faith.

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The word faith is defined in numerous ways. According to the Meridian-Webster Dictionary faith is defines as a belief or trust; belief in, devotion to, or trust in somebody or something, especially without logical proof. Although to me faith cannot be defined nor put into words. Faith is a feeling one achieves when place complete and total belief in a person, place, thing, or idea. Nothing can replace that feeling that you get. No one can define how you feel when you place your “faith”. As I stated before God has left us with the Bible, The Ten Commandments, and his disciples, as guidance on how to live our life for him. However if we don’t have faith in God, do these really serve a purpose? Without faith the knowledge of god is practically “pointless”. One can be provided with all the knowledge in the world about any given