The new generation hydraulic cone crusher has the following advantages:
1. Crushing force adjustment is easier, steel slag crushing plant making it easier to adapt to a variety of crusher working condition. We just need to adjust the oil pressure safety cylinder on the line when the ores being crushed is too hard or soft.
2. Liner replacement and machine maintenance is more convenient. The replacement of liner, bowl-shaped tiles, rack bushings and other operations can be finished without tiredly disassembling the adjustment device.You can set and adjust the support sleeve connected to it hanging from the rack together to complete the job by removing connecting pin or nut between insurance cover and support cylinder. So we formed and began operations than traditional savings of 80% operating time.
3. The removing and mounting of insurance cylinder is easier, zenith mining and construction which can save 90% of the operation time than the traditional spring disassembly operation.
4. Insurance hydraulic cylinder rod chamber (the hydraulic chamber) series has accumulators, and accumulator is filled with nitrogen. Inflation pressure is the 80% of working pressure of insurance cylinder. Hydraulic accumulator ensures the safety device as the same as the traditional spring safety. when entering the crusher cavity excellent material or iron, cone crusher for sale to adjusting sleeve cuffs together with supporting materials in order to discharge bounce iron can help the machine be