The Evils of a Utopian World in Huxley's Brave New World Essay

Submitted By antoniox3
Words: 908
Pages: 4

Scary New World In the novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, it shows the evils of a utopian world and is a warning to human society on what would happen if human decided to make a utopian society. In the novel Huxley describes this utopian world is perfect in safety, productivity, and efficiency, but freedom and individuality are sacrificed in the “perfect” society showing the flaw, and evil in having a utopian society. The novel shows a how the loss of individuality and freedom is a bigger loss than the gain of peace and organization, in the end not being worth it. Huxley’s novel has many evident signs of conformity. One way it does this is by having a society implanting its conditioning ways is by making children to look “exactly alike (a Bokanovsky Group, it was evident) and all (since their caste was Delta) dressed in khaki” (20 Brave New World) Huxley shows how this society conforms people by categorizing them into a caste system at an early age. This brainwashes the kids and with the kids looking all alike in there caste system the kids grow up in a conformist type world, and is seen to have been there choice to be in that caste, and is an efficient way have people know what they are at an early age and keep them happy. With this benefit of organization, and happiness it also has a greater negative of the sacrifice of individuality, and to be able to have a genuine thought, showing how this type of utopian life styles cons out way its pro’s. Huxley also uses public ceremonies to prove conformity with the singing of songs “Orgy-porgy, Ford and fun, Kiss the girls and make them one. Boy at one with girls at peace; Orgy-porgy gives release.”(84 Brave New World) The inclusion of Ford is to relate the members of the society to Ford’s factory assembly line, making humans less individual and more the same like machines. The pro’s in this is that with everyone with the same ideas and beliefs there will be no contradiction’s, but the cons are that people are less human and more like machines. This dehumanizes the members in the society which in the end is a greater loss than the gain. Huxley shows how conformity and organization is not worth the sacrifice of unique identity, and harmony through the examples of the novels child conditioning, and public ceremonies. Huxley also shows the freedom that is given up for the sake of peace and organization, which Huxley proves in the novel that freedom is too costly to be given up and is not worth the reward. Huxley show the lack of freedom through Bernard’s job having a controlling effect in his life, through the threat of his boss, “I’m not at all pleased with the reports I receive of your behavior outside working hour. …. If I ever hear again of any lapse from a proper standard of infantile decorum, I shall k for your transference to a Sub-Centre—preferably to Iceland.”(98 Brave New World) this threat shows the freedom to be able to act freely outside of work is sacrificed in order to have peace, in the society so that no one acts in a chaotic manner, so that the world stays organized with no setbacks. Freedom though is a necessity for people to be human and is a key factor in what separates people from machines showing how the sacrifice of freedom is too great for the benefits of peace and