The Ebola Virus Erfan Shekarriz- 10 Oasis
Ebola virus disease (EVD), Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF), or simply Ebola is a disease of humans and other primate’s caused by a rare but deadly pathogen named The Ebola virus which is named after a river in DR Congo. This virus may be obtained and transmitted by getting in contact with blood or body fluids of the infected animal (Ebola Virus: Symptoms ONLINE] Available at: September 17.). This disease was first discovered in 1976 in DR Congo and Sudan. In the year 2014 the largest Ebola outbreak occurred in West Africa effecting countries like Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, Nigeria and many other countries located in West Africa. The total cases count of this virus has been 6263 people, but only 3487 have been confirmed in the laboratory, and 2917 of them has led to deaths. (Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever | CDC. 2014. Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever | CDC. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18
September 2014) Fruit bats are believed to be a carrier of this virus. As the virus spreads through the body, it damages the immune system and organs. Eventually it causes the level of thrombocytes or the blood platelets, which help the blood clotting process to drop in the amount. This leads to serious, uncontrollable bleeding, fever, sore throat, muscle pain, vomiting and diarrhea. (Ebola Virus: Symptoms ONLINE] Available at: September 17.)
No FDA-approved vaccine or medicine (e.g., antiviral drug) is available for Ebola. The scientist and the governments have been working on using science to find a cure and information on the Ebola virus. There has been lots of technological advancement for the Ebola virus. Scientists have been using high power atomic microscopes so that they can see the virus and the shape of it, hoping that they could find a cure. In the laboratories that have been made in the African countries that are infected by the Ebola virus are used to examine the blood of the patients and check the other symptoms. This use of technology has led to the knowledge of the type of transition, which is by exchanging any type of body fluids. (Ebola Crisis. 2014. Ebola Crisis. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 October 2014].)
Currently there have been no medicines, vaccines or cures for the Ebola virus due to the new outbreak and the lack of information on it. It has been reported that 25 scientist have been announced dead because of an accident in the laboratories due to the Ebola virus (CIDRAP. 2014. CIDRAP. [ONLINE] Available at: July 2014) this has also created a fear of the scientist that results to less research on the cases, which is one of the reasons that there are no cures but you can treat the symptoms of Ebola. These basic inventions, when used in the early stages of Ebola, can significantly improve the chances of survival: (Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 October 2014]
Providing intravenous fluids and balancing the body salts (electrolytes)
Sustaining oxygen status and blood pressure
Treating the infection in case of occurrence using FDA-approved vaccine
The governments have taken a huge step into preventing the social community to find ways to prevent the Ebola virus from spreading. The Ebola virus can be transmitted through the change of any body fluids so there are some instructions and rules that can prevent the virus from spreading. Avoiding direct contact with blood, saliva, vomit and other body fluids are very crucial. Since the Ebola virus can be sexually transmitted the governments have recommended using protection during sexual encounter. This will stop the pathogen from spreading in a faster pace. As the UN has announced the Ebola virus as a major
The Ebola Virus DEFINITION According to CDC, Ebola also called Ebola virus disease is defined as one the rare and deadly killing virus on earth. Virus itself is a microscopic pathogens which causes a disease, affect humans, animals or plants. This virus spread from person to person or animal to person. A virus can be classified as being composed of RNA or DNA molecule. In this particular case, Ebola is classified as RNA virus. Our work consist of breaking down the Origin (outbreak), pathology…
Ebola Virus in Maryland Comm/215 October 27, 2014 Lorin Loverde Ebola Virus in Maryland While there has been a patient that has survived the virus here in Maryland and had not caused an outbreak of any kind, I disagree with the government decision to send infected patient here. Because of the current Ebola outbreak in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea has gained such a large amount of national attention, the demand for a cure for this virus has equally become as great. This outbreak has demanded…
Ebola vs Black Death Ebola is a deadly virus, doctors are trying to find a cure for it. “Ebola has taken up to as many as 90% of those it has infected in past outbreaks.” To become infected, you generally need to spend extended time with someone who is gravely ill and come into contact with his or her body fluids. You can also get it threw the breaks of your skin, it is a very unhealthy diease to have. Ebola is also spreaded threw sliva and openings of the skin. The care given with no drugs or…
THE EBOLA VIRUS The deadly virus Ebola is killing number of innocent people worldwide, it is mainly RNA virus. It has strong ability to make harm infecting human. Ebola virus can stay in human body without even any indication for three weeks. So it needs minimum 21 days to observe the symptoms. Now we are going to see the effect of virus on the innocent person, at first the primary symptom includes the sign of common flu runny nose, cough, headache, vomiting and diarrhea. If anyone sees these symptoms…
Reoccurring of Ebola Virus HLTH- 230 December 14, 2014 Over the past few months, Ebola has found its way into the United States, and has caused one death. On September 30th 2014, the CDC confirmed the first case of one of the deadliest viruses without our country. During that period, people began worrying about catching this virus when they were surrounded by people who coughed, sneezed, or had any symptoms of the flu; people automatically assumed that that person had Ebola. Even though…
Deadliest outbreak of Ebola virus: What you need to know Article by Susannah Cullinane and Nick Thompson Thu. September 18, 2014 Source of article: CNN World Why was someone infected with Ebola allowed on a plane? Decontee Sawyer was taking care of his ill sister in Liberia and he did not notice that her symptoms were leaning to Ebola. When he arrived to officials, he said that he had no direct contact with anybody who had Ebola. Before and during the time he was on the plane, he said he was…
Electron micrograph of Ebola virus. How is the virus transmitted or spread? It is said that the reservoir of the virus is unknown. The outbreak starts mostly when that person has become infected by coming into contact with an infected animal. The virus is spread in several ways. After the first outbreak in one person, other people can be affected. It can be transmitted by having direct contact with blood and or secretions of the affected person. A lot of times the virus is spread throughout the family…
Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (Ebola HF) is a severe, often fatal disease. It is known to be one of the most malicious viral diseases known to humankind. The virus can infect both humans and animal such as gorillas, monkeys, pigs, and bats. The virus was first recognized in 1976, and has had four epidemics since then. The first two outbreaks in western Sudan and in Zaire were severe, and resulted in over 550 cases and 340 deaths. The third outbreak which took place in Sudan,…
Ebola: An Analysis of Ebola as an Epidemiological Agent Komal Kishore Golden Gate University English 201 – Graduate Writing Lisa Clark March 12, 2015 Ebola: An Analysis of Ebola as an Epidemiological Agent Becoming sick is a standard phenomenon in the human experience. Often sickness is due to infection caused by a virus. Viruses are found in all part of the world and affect nearly every type of organism…
Outline Introduction: A. The Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is caused by 4 specific type of virus from the Ebolavirus genus. The virus affects human and other primates. The virus currently has a death rate of over 90 percent. The virus is thought to have been contracted from human consumption of fruit bats or bushmeat. B. The Ebola disease epidemic in the West Africa has turned out to be a global threat with no cure or vaccine available. C. The virus is transmitted in humans through direct contact of…