The Directive Essay

Submitted By SashAngel1
Words: 611
Pages: 3

25 February 2013

The Directive

Epsilons are created equally and identical through the Bokanovsky process. This is the act of taking a single fertilized human egg cell and causing it to split into several identical copies. This means that my fellow Epsilons and I are genetic clones of one another. Alphas and Betas may believe that life is simple and splendid for the Epsilons, but life is arguably difficult for my people. We have three purposes in life according to Epsilaeic Mandate: (1) every Epsilon is the same, (2) actively engage in one’s role as citizen, and (3) live for your structural position.

I believe that every Epsilon is the same. I have no identifying qualities that separate me from the next Epsilon. Sometimes it seems as though I have no sense of self and I feel instead a sense of embarrassment. I worry about what the other Epsilons say about me. This shame drives me to take an immense amount of pride in my work. I may just be a remedial Subterranean Hydro Inner-Technician but being the best at my job is my only personality trait. Every Epsilon in existence believes that they are the artful master of their craft even though it is obviously different with me. I am most definitely the greatest S.H.I.T to have ever graced this planet. No other Epsilon can disinfect the fecal stained sewage leads as I can.

My daily life starts everyday in my sleeping capsule. I live socially in a small apartment. My whole living space extends 10 by 10 square feet. There are fifteen thousand Epsilons in every housing unit. I actively participate in my societal role even though I do not believe in caste barriers. Out of the goodness of my heart, I befriended an Epsilon-Minus Semi-Moron just to show other citizens that we need to work together to break social constraints on friendships. Ms. Merda Loter really needed a friend. I will help her to be the best S.H.I.T she can be--but of course, not as big a S.H.I.T as me. Alphas may be thought to be more important but I think that we have the same importance in the progression of social living as any.

You may have noticed that I take pride in my structural position. Just like some may identify through their heritage or sexuality, Epsilons