The CICC and GIWG Brief Advising and providing recommendations to the U.S. Attorney General on issues like advanced usage of technology, requirements, and cooperation between intelligence agencies is charged to the Criminal Intelligence Coordinating Council (CICC) and the Global Intelligence Working Group (GIWG). Working in concert, the CICC and the GIWG advocates for local police force agencies in the development and communicating of criminal intelligence to promote public safety and our Nation’s security. The recognition by the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan (NCISP) of the prominence of the state, local, and tribal law enforcement (SLTLE) are vital ingredients concerning our country’s intelligence process. In order to…show more content… To be effective, the CICC plays an integral part in the philosophy, policies, and strategies in the process. At the policy level, the CICC advises the Congress, the U.S. Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security on how to best use the criminal intelligence available in order to keep the Homeland safe. Operating under the sponsorship of the Global Advisory Committee (GAC), the CICC sets priorities, direct research and prepare advisory recommendations to the GAC. Until fully operational, the GIWG will function as the interim CICC. ("Information Sharing Initiatives", 2015). Conclusion In the last few years, the volume of transformation in the law enforcement intelligence process is unprecedented, and I agree with its way ahead. SLTLE’s roles and responsibilities are challenging the fiscal perspectives, policy, and operationally. Available now to achieve the desired goal of protection for our communities are comprehensive plans, emerging technologies, and new resources, but challenges are still there that must be overcome. The efforts of the GIWG’s focus is the development of an intelligence gathering and sharing plan emphasizing improved methods for sharing across all organizations. Additionally, the GIWG gives details of its methods for transmitting and obtaining critical data among agencies. The voice heard at all levels of law enforcement is the CICC. The CICC advises the U.S. Attorney General and the DHS Secretary