Michael Howard
Intro to Business
Strayer University
November 4, 2012
The Business Environment 2
The role of business in the economy is to drive up the standard of living for people worldwide and contribute to a higher quality of life. Businesses are providing jobs for people who are in need of work, so they can provide for their families. Also, it’s a tool for businesses to invest in the communities they service. Some Businesses are growth engines of the most successful economy in the community. For Example, a small business owner name James Spearman, he owns a tax office in Chicago, IL. He hired people in the community and invested in the community where his business is located. Mrs. Spearman wanted to give back to the community, where his business is located. He decided to open up a non-for - profit organization called Because I Care Inc. across the street from his tax office. His non-for- profit consist of a FREE mentoring and tutoring program for children in the community. Because I Care Inc. constantly raise money and get parents involved in their children education and free trip to get the children outside the community.
The meaning of a non-for-profit organization is an organization that uses surplus revenues to achieve its goals rather than to distribute them as profit or dividends. The United States defer to the IRS designation conferred under United States Internal Revenue Code Section 501c, when the IRS deems an organization eligible. While non- for- profit organization is permitted to generate surplus revenues, they must be retained by the organization for its self-preservation, expansion, or plans non-for-profit having controlled of board members. Many organization have paid staff including management, directors, CEO are unpaid volunteers and even executives who work with or without compensation(occasionally nominal) Where there is a token fee, in generality it is used to meet legal requirements for establishing a contract between the executives and the organization. Also, they are considered to be given stipends from time-to-time. Designation as a non-for-profit and intent to make money are not related in the United States. This means nothing can be conferred by the declaration. It is unclear whether or not this holds outside of the U.S., however In the United States, such as inference is The Businesses Environments 3
the purpose of the Internal Revenue Code, Section 501c. The extent to which a non – for-profit organization can generate surplus revenues may be concentrated or use of surplus revenues may be restricted.
The fiscal and monetary policy has a big impact on the economy. The goal of both policy options is increasing or decreasing the level of businesses activities. It is always preferable to have a productive growing economy, but an economy can also be too productive. In that case, the government may enact policies to slow down the economy. Fiscal Policies include raising or lowering of taxes. If we raise taxes we are taking money out of circulation. When one considers the impact of taxes one must look at the sector of society being impacted by the tax hike. Does it impact on the middle class, working class or upper class? Does it affect home owners and small businesses? The powers of monetary policy often have immediate and forceful impact and closely monitored. Each policy has one basic goal, impact the money supply. All of these policy actions work using the laws of supply and demand. The more money in circulation, the more spending there is and the higher inflation is in the economy. The less money there is in circulation, the less spending there is in the economy, inflation decreases. Those policies that restrict the money supply are known as tight and those that put more money into circulation are known as loose. Wal-Mart is a good example of how business affects the environment. Wal –Mart
The Business Environment Felecia F. Cook Bus 100 Professor Scarlett 01/29/13 Business plays a vital role in the economy through the provision and supply of goods and services for monetary gain. There would be no economy without business. Thriving businesses help to promote a high quality of living. The life of any nation’s economy depends on how they achieve wealth and how much wealth they achieve. Essentially, the health of a nation’s economy is dependent upon the results of doing business…
the field of business to maintain their survival and sustainability in the market. Therefore, the study of business environment is of atmost importance for the managers and practitioners. There are two more factors which are not included in definition and which exercise considerable influence on business. They are physical or natural environment and global environment. Therefore, we will study the following environmental factors one by one. • Global Environment • Natural Environment • Political…
Contents Business environment characteristics 2 Markets 2 TYPES OF MARKET 2 Economic trends 3 Relative growth and decline by sector 3 Relative growth/Decline of output by industrial sector 4 Decline of primary and secondary industries 4 Growth in service industries 5 Legal framework 5 Environment 5 Health and safety laws 5 Employment 5 Information handling 5 Planning regulation 5 Consumer protection 5 Competition 5 Advertising 6 Company laws 6 Role of Government in the Legal framework 6 Business…
Chapter 1. Managing within the dynamic business environment Buisness: Any activity that seeks to provide goods and services to others while operating at a profit. Profit: The amount a business earns above and beyond what it spends for salaries and other expense. Entrepreneur: Aperson who risks time and money to start and manage a business. Business don’t just make money for entrepreneurs. Business provide all of us with necessities such as food, clothing, housing, medical care and transportation…
Business is ever-changing and always growing. From the multinational corporations and other publicly traded companies that fuel the global stock markets, to the small business enterprises that are the staples of our communities. Business is moving at breakneck speed fueling the world economies, and shaping our societies. A business is any activity that provides goods and services in an effort to earn a profit, (McGowan 2012). It is the backbone of the economy providing the products, and services…
Unit 1 Business Organisation and Environment Edit 0 0 11… Business Organisation and Environment Revision Notes Table of Contents Business Organisation and Environment Revision Notes 1.1. Nature of Business Activity 1.2 Types of Organization 1.3 Organisational Objectives 1.4 Stakeholders 1.5 External Environment 1.6 Organisational Planning Tools 1.7 Growth and Evolution 1.9 Globalisation Higher Level Questions 1.1. Nature of Business Activity 1. What is a business in terms of inputs…
study of production, distribution and consumption of wealth in human society. With an understanding of the economic environment managers are able to make more sense of the environment and therefore help them make better decisions for their business. This is different to what I thought economics is about because I believed economics was all about money and how money affects a business. What is the difference between a normative statement and a positive statement? A normative statement is something…
The Business Environment Business 100058 The Business Environment Role of Business For centuries people have practiced the barter system, where they’ve traded goods and services to satisfy their needs. A business is the evolution of this process; it provides goods and services in a society to earn a profit by exchanging currency. The role of business in the economy contributes to a higher quality of life, bringing people, equipment and other resources together coordinating the production…
The Business Environment Introduction to Business 100 2/01/2013 The Business Environment is the role of the business in the economy; for-profit and nonprofit organizations, the impact of current fiscal and monetary policy, the strategy for accessing global markets and the impact of organization’s level of social responsibility on a stakeholder group. The role of a business in the economy is to provide goods and services in an exertion to earning profit. The profit would be the money the company…
The Business environment The two types of business organisations I have decided to look in to and compare are The Co-operative and Cancer Research UK. The Co-operative is a national company, well-known all over the country. It is known for its all different types of services it has to offer, from food and retail to funeral care and financial services. It’s within the private business with the private sector, as it’s owned by different members of society but is there for public use. Also within…