The Beauty Essay example

Submitted By juliusballs
Words: 1209
Pages: 5

Sean Teems

Mizzou Online ID: 332212

English 10b

Lesson 1 essay

July 10, 2013

PREWRITING * To communicate with others * To share ideas * To turn fake into real * To become something different * To express things that cant be said * To share experiences * To understand * To be creative * To inform * To persuade * To teach * To entertain The Beauty and Danger of Nature (Rough draft)

Writers need a purpose and motivation to pick up a pen and start writing. Some start writing to prove a point, explain something or just for fun. Writers write in many different forms and styles. In “The Angry Winter” and “The Tucson Zoo” the author’s try to convey their feelings during a simple event like going to the zoo or weathering a storm. In “The Angry Winter” the author gets stuck in his house during a blizzard
He had excavated ice age spear points and a fossilized bison leg bone. In the middle of the night his dog started chewing on the flavorless bone. When he tried to ask the dog for the bone back, it got very defensive. This signifies that everything has a breaking point. The author is trying to say that under enough pressure even your closes companion can turn on you, for a moment. The author of “The Tucson Zoo” has an obvious admiration for nature. This admiration for nature causes him to has an almost instinctive response of wonderment toward a pair of otters and bevier’s in a zoo. For a couple minutes he was mesmerized by the two majestic creatures. He concluded that seeing otters and beavers must have released a chemical in his brain witch cause him to be fascinated by the animals. Both of the authors are trying to use personal experience to inform people on the beauty and danger of nature. In “The Angry Winter” the author says that he could see in the dogs eyes that it was tying to tell him “do not force me. You are a man, my very god. I love you, but do not reach out your hand.” This means that even the thing that depend on you to live can be hostile because of the amount of pressure they are under. Every writer has to make a statement sometime in there life. For these two authors this was there statement. Tell the world of the wildness and beauty of nature. I think the authors accomplished this very well and succefully conveyed how nature can be dangerous and glorious at the same time. Second draft Writers need a purpose and motivation to pick up a pen and start writing. Some start writing to prove a point, explain something or just for fun. Writers write in many different forms and styles. In “The Angry Winter” and “The Tucson Zoo” the author’s try to convey their feelings during a simple event like going to the zoo or weathering a storm. In “The Angry Winter” the author gets stuck in his house during a blizzard
He had excavated ice age spear points and a fossilized bison leg bone. In the middle of the night his dog started chewing on the flavorless bone. When he tried to ask the dog for the bone back, it got very defensive. This signifies that everything has a breaking point when he says, “Had I not for a moment, in the grip of that savage utterance, been about to respond”. The author is trying to say that under enough pressure even your closes companion can turn on you, for a moment. The author of “The Tucson Zoo” has an obvious admiration for nature. This admiration for nature causes him to has an almost instinctive response of wonderment toward a pair of otters and Bevier’s in a zoo. For a couple minutes he was mesmerized by the two majestic creatures. He concluded that “I exhibit instinctive behavior in their presence...” and that “Beavers and otters posses a releaser for me”. Both of the authors are trying to use personal experience to inform people on the beauty and danger of nature. In “The Angry Winter” the author says that he could see in the dogs eyes that it was tying to tell