The Ballad Of Gay Tony Weapon Pack Essay

Submitted By kotey01
Words: 332
Pages: 2

The Ballad of Gay Tony Weapon Pack
Call 486-555-0100 for the following weapons:
Advanced Pistol
Explosion-Pellet Shotgun
Silenced P90
Advanced Sniper
Grenade Launcher
Sticky Bomb
Floater - 938-555-0150
Akuma - 625-555-0200
Vader - 625-555-3273
APC - 272-555-8265
Buzzard - 359-555-2899
Bullet GT - 227-555-9666
Parachute - 359-555-7272
Super Punch - 276-555-2666
Explosive Sniper - 486-555-2526

245-555-0125 - Double T
245-555-0199 - Hakuchou
245-555-0150 - Hexer
245-555-0100 - Innovation
826-555-0100 - Slamvan
359-555-0100 - Annihilator
227-555-0100 - FIB Buffalo (267)-555-0100. To add stars to Niko's wanted level, insert this number instead: (267)-555-0150. Keep in mind that this will disable your ability to acquire some achievements.
To randomly change the weather and time of day, break out your cell phone and insert the following number: (468)-555-0100
To unlock a baseball bat, grenades, M4, MP5, pistol, RPG and sniper rifle, insert the following number into your cell phone: (486)-555-0100. Keep in mind that this will disable your ability to acquire some achievements.
To refill Niko's health and to give him some fresh armor, insert the following number into your cell phone: (362)-555-0100. If you want to give him health, fresh armor and refill all ammunition, insert this number instead: (482)-555-0100.
Annihilator (Helicopter) - (359)-555-0100
Cognoscenti (Car) - (227)-555-0142
Comet (Car) - (227)-555-0175
FIB Buffalo (Car) - (227)-555-0100