The Argument That Clinton Made During H Essay

Submitted By PennicottAndre1
Words: 440
Pages: 2

The argument that Clinton made during his speech “Remarks to the convocation of the church of god in Christ” was that even though blacks are free. They are taking their freedom for granted. They are killing each other. And have a large rate of crime. So Clinton is explaining. What if Martin Luther king was beside him and gave the United States a report card on the last 25 years, what will he say? He will say that we did a good job because the voting and electing people who formerly were not electable because of the color of their skin. They now a have political power, and that is good. He will also say “letting people, who have the ability to do so live wherever want to live, go wherever they want to go in this great country that was stated in paragraph 2. In addition he will say “elevating people of color into the ranks of the United States armed forces to the very to or into the very of our government .that was stated in the 3 paragraph. Finally he would say “creating a black middle class of people who really are doing well, and the middle class is growing more among non-African-American. You did a good job in opening opportunity.
However Clinton is wondering why the black is talking their freedom for granted. Even for all the hard work the people of the past fought for, to make the black in the future have a better future. Then what they had. So during his speech he was stated his claims that was. “Allowing people to go and live whenever they want. Explaining that, this right was not always giving to the African American community. This right was earned