Psychology Research (PYC 3704) Feedback on previous examination papers (2011 – 2013)
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PYC 3704 - May/June 2011 – Previous examination paper Correct answers and explanations Option 1 is the most correct (pg 4). Proposed (tentative), variables or constructs have not been proven yet. Option 2 - Hypothesis is an intelligent guess that may or may not be based on facts. Option 2 is the most correct (pg 4). Theories are informed by facts which are tested based on the scientific body…show more content… Thus, the sample result is under the alternative hypothesis. Option 3 is the most correct (pg 18).
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Dependent variable (effect) – Attitude towards abortion (do I favor abortion or not) Independent variable (cause) – Extroversion (characterized by sociability, unreserved and open to new ideas and experiences) (my level of extroversion will affect my attitude towards abortion). Option 3 is the most correct (pg 11, 124, 127 – Q2). Our target or research population will consist of women who completed the EPQ test, i.e. we only want to know how these women’s view differ and not concerned with the entire population. The women in our sample may not reflect the demographics of all women in the world. Option 2 is the most correct (pg 19). The research hypothesis will give an indication of the direction of the alternative hypothesis. Option 1 is the most correct (pg 85-6). “The ability of a statistical test to detect a significant relationship between variables when such a relationship does in fact exist is referred to as its power.” Power thus supports type-one error (rejection of the null hypothesis) since we did prove a difference does in fact exist. Remember that the null states a constant value implying there is no difference between your variables. Sampling errors and errors of measurement reduce our ability to claim (as reflected in the direction of the