Seth Gutzmer
Boston Marathon Bombing: 3 deaths, 264 injured. Oklahoma City Bombing: 168 deaths, over 680 injured. Sandy Hook Shooting 26 deaths. 9/11 Attack; 2,999 deaths, 1140 bystanders now diagnosed with cancer, because of the polluted and debris filled air. All of these events were sought out and executed by terrorists, trying to inflict terror into the people of the United States by killing innocent people. The FBI says that there “is no single, universally accepted, definition of terrorism, but the U.S. federal code defines it as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.” Terrorists look like normal people but nobody would know if the person next to them is a terrorist. That reason and those events are why the war against terrorism began.
“Terrorist attacks come in many different types and forms; 51% of terrorist attacks are from bombings or explosions, 31% are from facility attacks, 13% are from armed assault or assassinations, and that last 8% is from a combination of kidnapping, unarmed assault, and highjacking”(Plumer). Bombings are by far the most common of the attacks because of the size that they could be. As in the Boston Marathon Bombing, the terrorist used a pressure cooker placed in a duffle bag. That small of a bomb injuring over 200 people is easily the smallest type of terrorist attack with the most amount of damage.
There a thousands and thousands of voices not being heard because of terrorist attacks. Their lives lost all because a group of terrorists wanted to make a point. Their insight of these events could better prepare our nations to better protect and defend it from another attack. Nobody should have to die an early death unwillingly. “After 9/11 President George W. Bush reassured Americans: we were attacked because we are beautiful people, spreading freedom around the world’(Bandow). Terrorists do not just attack for fun or because they want to, “Robert Pape of the University of Chicago studied the most recent cases: ‘The central fact is that overwhelmingly suicide-terrorist attacks are not driven by religion as much as they are by a clear strategic objective: to compel modern democracies to withdraw military forces from the territory that the terrorists view
as their homeland’”(Bandow). Most have a valid reason or objective for a cause they are trying to get at, but that does not justify the useless loss of life.
After the 9/11 attacks New York’s Metropolitan Authority made a plan to combat terrorism, the “see something, say something” program. Meaning if there is suspicious activity in the area, report it before something could happen. “ In 2008, it proudly announced that 1,944 people did exactly that. What it didn't mention is that the reports of suspicious activity and items led to only 18 arrests over the previous two years -none connected to terrorist plots. So it may come as no surprise that a network of federally funded intelligence offices set up” (Chapman). This plan worked, it has also be applied in most airports to this day, preventing terrorism before it happens.
School shootings have almost become a regular event nowadays and that's absolutely terrifying to here.
Being a high-schooler and seeing those shootings happen not knowing if it will happen here at our school. It could very easily happen here, a student puts a gun with ammunition in their backpack takes it to school and bang! People are dead and your school makes it on national television.
Even though america has far less terrorist attacks than most other places in the world, there will always be a threat of terrorism. Terrorism is everywhere and happens all the time, and our nation has learned from it.
Every attack will make this nation more prepared to better prevent these attacks in the future.
Introduction Terrorism has been a contested phenomenon for a very long time, the basic academic definition of terrorism by Bellany (2007) is that it is taken to be a method of employing organized force with little regard for humanitarian considerations to achieve normally politically cum religious cum warlike ends and which relies on its effectiveness on creating a pressing fear fullness in the minds of target persons for their lives or the lives of those close to them or their property. More so…
[Type the company name] Theory of Terrorism Dr.Frogge Austin Peay State University Joseph D. Bishop j Joseph D. Bishop Criminal Justice 10/4/2014 Homework #3 Terrorism is often misunderstood. Like any other form of warfare it can have horrible results. But the behavior of terrorists is not mysterious. When a terrorist operation is run well, there's a purpose behind everything they do. Warfare itself is equally explicable…
Definitions 1. Al-Qa’ida- An international network of Islamic mujahedeen organized by Osama Bin Laden in the aftermath of the anti-Soviet jihad in Afghanistan. They were responsible for many acts of international and domestic terrorism. 2. Anders Breivik- A Norwegian right wing extremist who detonated a lethal bomb in Oslo and went on a killing spree at a nearby youth camp in July 2011. 3. Crucifixion- A form of public execution during the time of the Roman Empire. It involved condemned…
Terrorism Terrorism has shown its ugly face for many centuries, creating disruptions to normal life, the economies, nations and people. Many innocents have lost their life due to terrorism. Terrorisms are violent acts committed with the intention to kill, injure, maim and psychologically disturb people. People committing such acts are called terrorists. The objective of terrorists and terrorism is to create disruptions that will bring a nation to…
Definition of Terrorism Essay Systematic use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective. Since September 11th, 2001, the world has witnessed a radical change in the world order, fear, anxiety, hate, and mostly a deep sentiment of great uncertainty took their place and dominated, and still dominates most of our daily lives. Since then, there have been much discussions and debate about the events that took place…
Marisa Kote 11/17/2014 PS 360: International Terrorism Exam #2 Terrorists are often times assumed to be "insane" or "psychopaths" individuals whose activities are irrational, and their terror attacks are both unpredictable and indiscriminate. This initial conception, however, has taken a different turn as many studies have been conducted to demonstrate the rationality of terrorist groups. Several of these studies have shown that terrorist groups hold various purposeful motivations and goal- oriented…
to Terrorism – 4 Instructor: Season Groves Week 1 Individual Assignment Terrorism has been around for a very long time, although it has not really been on the minds of people until the events of 911 occurred which has heightened all of our awareness of the act of terrorism. Although terrorism is a very real occurrence not every incident is an act of terrorism. The act of terrorism is very widely defined by different departments in our government and others, the basic criteria for terrorism are;…
Marisa Kote 11/17/2014 PS 360: International Terrorism Exam #2 Terrorists are often times assumed to be "insane" or "psychopaths" individuals whose activities are irrational, and their terror attacks are both unpredictable and indiscriminate. This initial conception, however, has taken a different turn as many studies have been conducted to demonstrate the rationality of terrorist groups. Several of these studies have shown that terrorist groups hold various purposeful motivations and goal- oriented…
What are the causes of terrorism and how can it be stopped? “Terrorism and guerrilla warfare, whether justified as resistance to oppression or condemned as disrupting the rule of law, are as old as civilization itself. The power of the terrorist, however, has been magnified by modern weapons, including television, which he has learned to exploit.” (Guerrillas and Terrorists) There are many definitions and forms of terrorism: biological and chemical, nuclear, international, cyber, criminal, environmental…
TUTORIAL 2: “Terrorism has many causes, but the primary one is economic….” (G.Kolko,2006). Assess the validity of the above contention. Terrorism can be defined vary widely, but they start from a common point of departure. Terrorism is characterized strongly by the use of violence. This tactic of violence takes of many forms and often indiscriminately targets non-combatants. The purpose for which violence is used, and its root causes is where many arguments about terrorism started. The…