Terra Cog Case
Basic Instructions:
5 page maximum.
You don’t need a summary. If you use one, make it really brief.
Be sure to incorporate the feedback you received from your TA after the first case.
Proof read, edit, proof read, edit, proof read, edit again.
Upload to EEE BEFORE CLASS on the due date.
The main learning objectives of this case are:
1. To examine communication and conflict within groups. Specifically, I want you examining how the decision making here is affected by personal style, departmental allegiances, individual characteristics, and any other situational factors.
2. To examine the group dynamics in the situation.
Your analysis should revolve around the following questions:
What is Richardson’s main problem?
Be sure to identify the problem specifically. If there are additional sub-problems identify them as well. If you identify more than one problem, be sure to prioritize them.
Be careful that you are indeed identifying the main problem (hint this case is tied to the communication, conflict, and teams chapters.)
What should she do to solve the problem?
Be sure to analyze each potential solution and provide a rationale for why you choose one over the other(s).
Think about the strategic and organizational implications for each of the options
Warning: don’t get lost in the numbers, or be scared by them. This is a class on organizational behavior, not finance. The numbers are, of course, important in that they give you a feel for the situation, help you understand why people are behaving as they do. However, they are not the primary element in this case. Deciding the actual price point for the product is not the most important problem here. This is a course on organizational behavior, not marketing or finance.
Remember: look at the exhibits. Do they offer any more information than you see in the written material? They may help you identify allegiances etc.
When analyzing the case, before writing up your case essay, you might consider the following items. You do not need to answer these questions specifically in your essay, although much of what you uncover will probably find its way into your analysis.
1. Who are the characters in this story? What departments do they belong to? Where are their allegiances? What are their individual and/or departmental goals? Do these mesh with the organization’s goals? With Richardson’s goals? What are the agendas of the individuals and groups in this scenario? How have these individual and departmental goals led to the current situation?
2. What constraints affect Richardson’s actions? What is she doing right? Wrong? How would you feel if you were she? What would concern you most?
3. What is the decision making process in this scenario? How do they seem to be making decisions? Does it make sense? Is it effective and efficient?
4. What failures of communication can you identify? How are communication issues affecting the situation?
5. What types of conflict exist in this situation? What can be done about them?
Glossary: Terms you may not know but that are used in the case.
Q3 refers to the third quarter of the fiscal year.
Channel Management (definition source: Biznet.com)
Channel management refers to the organization of the ways in which companies reach and satisfy their customers. Channel management involves more than just distribution, and has been described as management of how and where a product is used and of how the customer and the product interact. Channel management covers processes for identifying key customers, communicating with them, and continuing to create value after the first contact.
Distribution channels
Distributors: companies that act as an intermediary between the manufacturer and the retailer. This type of channel is frequently used to obtain wider market share. It adds additional cost to the product because the manufacturer is not selling directly to the
Retailer (also called dealer or reseller),