The origin of the word Adolescence comes from the Latin verb adolescere, which means to grow up. An adolescent is a person between the ages of thirteen and nineteen. It is at this point you are no longer a child but still have some maturing to do before you can be considered an adult. Adolescence is the part of your life you will never forget because this is the time in which you figure out who you are as an individual. It plays a major role in the formation of who you will become. It is during this time you face many challenges and difficulties for self-exploration and identification.
According to Stanley Hall, “adolescence is a period of great stress and strain, storm and strike. Come to think of it he makes perfect sense. It is at this point you are being pulled in many different directions and you have to strike out to get on the right path. This again all plays a part in how you form your identity. You have to make mistakes to learn what is wrong and what is right.
A variety of things begin to change during the stages of adolescence; such as, family values, attitudes and behaviors. You are pulled in so many different directions that it can be easy to lose yourself; however, that is the point. You need to fall down to get back up and become a strong individual. You mind is coming to terms with who you are and who you should be, and at the end of it all you and only you can make that decision. That is the point of being an adolescent; it is time for you to make your own decisions. At such a young age this is one of the most difficult times you can go through. Once you get past it you will be a stronger person.
Our society’s expectation for children and adults are clear, but for the adolescent they are inexplicit. Depending on who you