Comparative Investigation into Teenage Pregnancy in Wales and England BTEC Level 3 Diploma Public Services CONTENTS PAGE No. Section Page 1. Planning 2. Introduction 3. Methodology 4. Investigation Findings & Analysis Wales Ireland 5. Conclusion 6. Evaluation 7. Bibliography 8. Appendix PLANNING MY INDIVIDUAL INVESTIGATION Title for Investigation Comparative study of teenage pregnancy in Wales and England What
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Introduction Teenage pregnancy is one of the most controversial yet; trending topics in the Unites States. This problematic epidemic has reached an all-time record high recently. In order to fully understand this epidemic, we must first define exactly what it is. According to Wikipedia, teenage pregnancy is pregnancy in a female under the age of 20 (when pregnancy ends). Therefore, the notion is that the age range of teenage pregnancy ranges from 12-19. Recent studies show that the rates of teenage
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Tegan L. Waring 1 Professor Baker SWG: 271: Reproductive Justice 20 February 2015 Anti-Teen Pregnancy Ads: Motherhood, Prejudice, and the Social Problem Anti-teen pregnancy ads are rampant in American mass-culture, intwining societal stereotypes of women, prejudice against mothers, and general misogyny. This is especially true in an anti-teen pregnancy campaign that ran in New York City in 2013 called “Think Being A Teen Parent Won’t Cost You?”, produced by New York City’s Human Resource Administration
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Within England there have been numerous strategy’s, programmes and policies that have been put in place to tackle teenage pregnancy, actions such as the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy (1999) and the Department of Health’s white paper, Choosing Health (2004) have been used to bring attention to the rising rates of teenage pregnancy. This assignment will continue to apply the related health policies available for teenagers who fall pregnant, while exploring the arrangement of a health promotion intervention
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Culture, Health & Sexuality Vol. 13, No. 2, February 2011, 201–215 Contraceptive medicalisation, fear of infertility and teenage pregnancy in Brazil ´ ´ Helen Goncalvesa, Ana D. Souzaa, Patrıcia A. Tavaresa, Suelen H. Cruza and Dominique ¸ ´ P. Behagueb,c* a ´ Programa de Pos-graduacao em Epidemiologia, Departamento de Medicina Social, Universidade ¸˜ Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil; bDepartment of Epidemiology and Population Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
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Teenage Behavior Table of contents Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 1 Alcohol Percentage usage……………………………………………………………………….Page 2 Number of teens to have sexual intercourse……………….…………………………..Page 3 Percentage of cigarette and cannabis usage………………………………………………Page 4 Births by teenage mothers……………………………………………………………………….Page 5 Steroids usage…………………………………………..…………………………………………….Page 6 Conclusion……………………………….…………………………………………………………….Page 7 Teenagers may seem worse
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inserted into the uterus to help prevent unwanted pregnancy. The IUD blocks the sperm from meeting up with the eggs. The copper IUD is effective for 12 years and the hormonal with two different brands. The Mirena brand is effected for five years and the Skyla is effective for three years. This devices need to be inserted by a licensed physician. The cost can be zero to one thousand of a onetime payment. The percentage of prevented pregnancy is 1 out of 100 women. Another great benefit for
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From: Shelby Lewis To: Teenage Parents CC: Anna Goins, English 100 Instructor Date: October 30, 2013 Subject: Teenage Mothers Going to College Introduction As I scroll through my newsfeed on Facebook these days all I see is “Oh my gosh, I’m pregnant”, “It’s a boy”, and “I wish my baby daddy would just support our baby.” I can’t help but feel sorry for all of these mothers and even the fathers. I went to high school with several people that ended up pregnant. Most of them did graduate, but there
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Teen Pregnancy By Brianna Johnson Composition 1 with Mr. Hooker March 19, 2013 I. Introduction II. Causes of Teen Pregnancy A. Lack of a Proper Education 1. Reasons for Lack of Education a. Discomfort from parent or child b. Fear That It Will Encourage Sexual Activity c. Uncertainty about When to educate the child 2. Results a. Unprotected Sex b. Misuse of Protection c. Teens aren’t aware of consequences B. Increased Sexual Activity in Teens 1. Reasons for Increased Sexual
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Abortion: Pro Choice Vs Pro Life ACCESS TO HIGHER EDUCATION Aims and Objectives Aims An introduction to the key concepts of abortion An introduction to the pro life and pro choice debate Objectives Define the key concepts regarding abortion Identify the arguments for and against abortion Key Facts Abortion is the oldest and most common operation for women of reproductive age. Approximately 190,000 abortions are carried out each year in England and Wales. 20- to 24-year-olds are the age group
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is excluded from the curriculum in order to remain within certain guidelines. Biology is highly important to the education process. Without it we have taken a first-class seat and witnessed firsthand of the negative effects when it comes to teenage pregnancies and STI rates. For decades, the school system has been instructing adolescence on either Abstinence-Only Programs or sex education with limitations that does not include the biological truths required to effectively and efficiently coach them
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Outline Kiara Holt Abandoned children Introduction a. Up to one hundred children are abandoned every two months. b. 1st – Experts say that most abandoned children are given up because the parents found them stressful 2nd – some of our classmates or even our friends are in foster care because there mother or father did not want them c. children have been left on the side of the road they have been neglected and abandoned at home, children have also had the abandoned baby syndrome
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Health and Wellbeing CCH1037-N-FB2-2013 Word Count 4117 Contents Introduction Page 3 - 7 The health improvement issue Page 8 - 10 Service Provision Page 11 - 13 The Role of the Nurse Page 14 - 16 Conclusion Page 17 References Page 18 - 25 Appendix One Appendix Two Chapter One - Introduction This report is an in depth community profile covering the Stockton-on-Tees area of Teesside
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Health Consequences of Poverty for Children Contents Introduction Poverty and Maternal Health Poverty, Birthweight and Perinatal Health Poverty and Mortality in Infancy and Childhood Poverty, Disability and Physical Health Poverty and the Mental Health of Children and Young People Poverty and Health-Related Behaviour in Childhood and Adolescence Poverty, Educational Attainment and Children’s Health Conclusion References 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 By Professor Nick Spencer published
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07 Essay Outline Introduction - (Koyama A & etl, 2005), (Bowels, A. 2011) and (Jones, R., Cox, D., & Laser, R, 2011) • Abortion is the greatest cause of death in NSW and many women regret ever having an abortion. • Many women suffer from pain and discomfort from the result of an abortion, when they could easily save their babies life and continue on with theirs, by putting it up for adoption. • Abortion is the intended termination of a pregnancy after formation. It permits
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aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins, can hold significant emotional and economic roles for the nuclear family. Over time, the traditional structure has had to adapt to very influential changes, including divorce and the introduction of single-parent families, teenage pregnancy and unwed mothers, same-sex marriages, and increased interest in adoption. Social movements such as the feminist movement and the stay-at-home dad have contributed to the creation of alternative family forms, generating new
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students safe and protected from the dangers of drug use. Contention 1: Safer environments Drugs aren’t a stand alone issue in schools. Often times, they lead to bigger, more substantial issues including criminal behavior, violence, and teen pregnancy. Futurueofchildren.org states “Juvenile offenders have high rates of substance use; among adolescents detained for criminal offending in 2006, 56 percent of boys and 40 percent of girls tested positive for drugs.” This shows the correlation between the two
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In this assignment I will be explain two different health psychology issues and explaining them. The two different issues I have decided to talk about are eating disorders and childbirth. I will then compare the two health psychology issues in relation to their common themes and also their different. P3 Explain specific health psychology issues. Using two health psychology issues of interest to you, you should explain the specific issue in detail Eating Disorders (anorexia and bulimia) Anorexia
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CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the study Parenting style is one of the variable that have been studied extensively in human development.is is considered as an important determinant of several aspects of children’s outcome the notion has been related to children and adolescent academic performance,optimism,confidence,motivation,externalizing problem behavior and attention problems. Parenting style depends on behavior and attitude of parents. Parenting style is also a psychological construct
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Naranja, Celina Shane T. 2015102465 B57 Premarital Sex is Morally Wrong Introduction Premarital sex is having sexual intercourse with your partner before marriage, there are cases that also Married couple engage in sex outside of their marriage and it is called Extra-Marital sex. In this paper we will try to dig on problems that may occur when we engage in premarital sex and the effects of it in our body that according to Aquinas we should preserve our bodies (Threefold natural inclination
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found guilty and jailed for tunneling into an abortion clinic in a failed attempt to blow it up. White later drowned. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Mifepristone/Mifegyne and introduction of medical abortion: 2003– In April 2003 Justice Durie clarified parts of the Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion Act 1977 relating to "performing" medical abortions so women who wish to have medical abortions must take medications in a licensed
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International Baccalaureate Subject: Languages Document length: 3309 words Saved View my saved documents Submit similar document Share this Get Full Access Now Written Speech on Teen Suicide Extracts from this document... Introduction Imagine you're standing atop a high bridge, you take a deep breath, say one last silent goodbye to your friends and family, and you leap to your death. By doing this, you're making a permanent solution to a temporary problem. You may be solving
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Precious Introduction Precious’ case is very sensitive; analysis of how individual characteristics, schools, family, and community impact this case. Additionally, this paper will present Precious’ case summary, legal and ethical considerations and finally, prevention, interventions, and treatment possibilities. Case Summary, Precious Precious is 16 years old and lives in Harlem, New York City. Her father has sexually abused her since she was three years old, causing two pregnancies. She is morbidly
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1. INTRODUCTION: High school drop outs are an ongoing problem that reinforces adolescence to think that it is okay to give up. The reason I chose high school drop outs as my topic is because it is a problem that is only getting worse. I am talking about this issue only for the fact that students do not decide they want to drop out of school over night, but that there is more of a psychological meaning behind it all. For example, it can be as simple as a student not feeling capable of completing
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UNIT 4: Development through the Life Stages INTRODUCTION This table explains all the major physical, intellectual, emotional and social stages that occur during these following life stages; Conception Pregnancy
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Reflections of Myself Shannon Velez PSY 202 Megan McLaughlin March 4, 2013 I. Introduction a. Thesis statement- As I’m working hard in my present to ensure a better future, my knowledge of developmental theories will help me to learn from my past, be more productive in my present, and plan my future in a more beneficial way to me. II. What were you like as a teenager? b. Artistic (music, drawing, painting, sewing) c. Rebellious d. Social e. Anorexic
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Introduction to PR PR History Grunig and Hunt’s four models James Grunig and Todd Hunt used four categories of communication relationship with publics, placed in a historical context (see handbook p. 11): 1. Press agentry/publicity model 2. Public information model 3. Two-way asymmetric PR 4. Two-way symmetric PR Press agentry/publicity model A press agent or publicist aims to secure coverage for a client, and truth is not an absolute requirement. This type of PR is most common in
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Introduction In recent years obesity levels in both adults and children have been rising drastically; according to the Department of Health (DOH), Public Health (2013) 30% of children aged between 2 and 15 are overweight or obese. My article; Tackling childhood obesity by Hunt C (2009), raises the issues of childhood obesity, the links with obesity and pregnancy, and the ways in which the public can prevent it. I aim to discuss how these rising levels of obesity in children will affect my career
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Leonard Edwards SOCY-498-01 December 4, 2013 Prof. L. Richards Independent Study Getting Played Getting played is a book written by Jody Miller. It is essentially her recap of her interviews with high school students in Saint Louis Missouri. She interviews both girls and boys about sexual encounters in their school. The book asked the questions is there sexual harassment in high school? and what should be done about it. Miller uses approximately seventy-five
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BRIEF NCOFF Briefs provide summaries of literature reviews, research reports, and working papers published by NCOFF and of emerging practice- and policy-focused issues in the field. This brief, Co-Parenting, is one of seven developed upon NCOFF’s seven Core Learnings and a literature review written for NCOFF by Terry Arendell of Colby College. Designed to examine indepth issues in the Core Learnings, the seven literature reviews were the centerpiece of discussion in the 1995-1997 Fathers and Families
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