There is so much technology that we use to this day that many people take for granted. The progression of technology has vastly improved life for the human race. I mean just 10 years ago we didn't have cell phones that could fit into someone's pocket or even the internet. When I think about it our cell phones are like little computers. We can browse on the internet, be on social networks (Facebook, twitter, ect.), look up some funny video on YouTube, and even GPS locations on the go. Nowadays people don't eve need a GPS at all in there cars anymore since its all mobile.
Another good example that we take for granted is Video Games. Video Games have been a big part in my childhood and many others I would imagine, but the violence in some games these days put bad influences on children when they play them. Some video games have guns, killing, vandalism and that's not what children should be learning from which could lead to bullying at a young age even.
Technology is advancing every minute of every single day and that's frustrating. It frustrates me keeping up to date on the newest software or the newest iPhone when I just bought the newest one a week ago. Technology grows to fast for others to keep up and that leaves a trail for others to follow. It also frightens me how fast technology is growing. We could be one brand new phone away from having chips in our brain or even robots with emotions that would go on a hell bent rage on their creators, but it amazes me