Throughout all of the clips there was a variety of ways of learning. The clip featuring the boy who played chest he was a more visual and hands on learner. He watched how things were done in the game and tried out what he learned on other people. Evidence of him learning was trying to play opponents at the park. He also went home and made his legos into a chess set to teach himself new strategies. A factor that hindered and helped him was learning from two different teachers. One teacher taught him the classical way to play chess and the other taught him speed chess and to think about his next move before he made it quickly.
The clip with Nupor she used studying as a way of learning by writing things down to help her remember the spelling of words. The repetition of writing things down over and over again helps her. Evidence that showed she learned is when her mom was testing her buy saying a word and expecting her to spell it back correctly. Factors that helped her was testing herself, when it came time to compete she would be prepared.
The last clip with the children dancing was a type of hands on learning and a form of practicing to improve your technique. The teacher gave an example that this is a smooth type of dance and had them in partners according to male and female. They watched the way he wanted them to move and they began to practice with their partners. One way showed they were learning by their faces because you could see they were interested in learning and wanted to do it right. One way this could hinder in this type of learning